Index of /science/0_Computer Science/8_Electronics & Robotics/

Index of /science/0_Computer Science/8_Electronics & Robotics/

Arduino/                                           25-Sep-2022 02:16       -
Evil Genius Books/                                 25-Sep-2022 02:17       -
Magazines/                                         25-Sep-2022 02:17       -
Processing Language/                               25-Sep-2022 02:19       -
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Building Robots - ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape - Robe..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     17M
Adaptive Blind Signal And Image Processing.pdf     07-Jul-2016 12:07     24M
Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines - Hiros..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      8M
Advances in Robot Kinematics - Jadran Lenarcic ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     29M
Amphibionics - Build Your Own Reptilian Robot.pdf  07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
An Introduction to MEMs Engineering - Nadim Mal..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Anatomy of a Robot.pdf                             07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Artificial Mind System – Kernel Memory Approa..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Autonomous Mobile Robots - Shuzhi Sam Ge, Frank..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     25M
Autonomous Robotic Systems - Anibal T. de Almei..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     16M
Autonomous Robots - Modeling, Path Planning, an..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     11M
Bio-MEMS Technologies and Applications - Wang a..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      9M
Biomimetics - Biologically Inspired Technologie..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     16M
Build Your Own Combat Robot, 2002.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:07      8M
Build a Remote-Controlled Robot.pdf                07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Building Autonomous Line Followers using Arduin..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06    846K
CNC Robotics - Geoff Williams.pdf                  07-Jul-2016 12:08     56M
Cells and Robots - Milutinovic and Lima.pdf        07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Complex Robotic Systems - Pasquale Chiacchio, S..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     10M
Concise Encyclopedia of Robotics - Stan Gibilis..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Control Problems in Robotics and Automation - B..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     15M
Control of Intelligent Robotic Interfaces - Cri..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      2M
Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators - R.V. ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space - ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Control of Single Wheel Robots - Yangsheng Xu, ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Creating Cool MINDSTORMS NXT Robots.pdf            07-Jul-2016 12:07     61M
Designing Mobile Autonomous Robots - John Holla..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      7M
Designing Sociable Robots - Cynthia L Breazeal.pdf 07-Jul-2016 12:07      3M
Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Mo..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      8M
Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      6M
Efficient Collision Detection for Animation and..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08    818K
Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      5M
Electronic Components Volume 1.epub                07-Jul-2016 12:07     17M
Electronic Components Volume 1.pdf                 07-Jul-2016 12:08     18M
Electronics for Dummies.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 12:08     20M
Embedded Robotics - Thomas Braunl.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Environment Learning for Indoor Mobile Robots -..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      6M
Field and Service Robotics - Corke P. and Sukka..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     82M
Field and Service Robotics- Recent Advances - Y..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     65M
Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems - Jo..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     25M
Fundamentals of Robotics Linking Perception to ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     36M
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:08     14M
Getting Started with the Internet of Things.pdf    07-Jul-2016 12:07      6M
Grippers in Motion - the Fascination of Automat..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     17M
Hacking Roomba - Tod E. Kurt.pdf                   07-Jul-2016 12:09      8M
Handbook of Geometric Computing - Eduardo Bayro..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     11M
Handbook of Industrial Automation - Richard L. ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     12M
Industrial Robots Programming - J. Norberto Pir..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     19M
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Innovations in Intelligent Machines 1 - Javaan ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     12M
Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control - Sri..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      7M
Intelligent Autonomous Robotics - A Robot Socce..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Intelligent Image Processing.pdf                   07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Introduction to AI Robotics - Murphy R.R.pdf       07-Jul-2016 12:08     14M
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots.pdf       07-Jul-2016 12:08      8M
Introduction to Microcontrollers - Complete Gui..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      2M
Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control...> 07-Jul-2016 12:09      3M
Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08    117M
Introductory Robotics - J M Selig.djvu             07-Jul-2016 12:08      1M
Introductory Robotics.pdf                          07-Jul-2016 12:06      5M
Kinetic Contraptions Build a Hovercraft, Airboa..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     35M
LEGO MINDSTORMS -  Robotics Invention System-2 ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:09     32M
LEGO MINDSTORMS - Building Robots.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:09     14M
LEGO MINDSTORMS - Dark Side Robots Transports a..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     29M
LEGO MINDSTORMS - The Unofficial Guide to Robot..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
LEGO Mindstorms Masterpieces - Building and Pro..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     19M
MEMS Advanced Materials and Fabrication Methods..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      7M
MEMS Mechanical Sensors - Stephen Beeby.pdf        07-Jul-2016 12:07      4M
MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applicati..> 07-Jul-2016 12:09     12M
Machine Learning and Robot Perception - Bruno A..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     26M
Machine Vision - David Vernon.pdf                  07-Jul-2016 12:08     37M
Make - Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing.pdf           07-Jul-2016 12:09     46M
Make Electronics.pdf                               07-Jul-2016 12:08     17M
Mechanical Engineering Handbook - Robotics.pdf     07-Jul-2016 12:09      2M
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems - N..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     12M
Mechantronics An Introduction - Robert H Bishop..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     15M
Mechatronic Servo System Control - M. Nakamura ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      6M
Mechatronic Systems - Georg Pelz.pdf               07-Jul-2016 12:08      3M
Mechatronics - A Preumont.pdf                      07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependabi..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     51M
Mechatronics for the Evil Genius.pdf               07-Jul-2016 12:08     17M
Metal Gods - Android and Robot Sourcebook.pdf      07-Jul-2016 12:09      5M
Micro Electro Mechanical System Design - James ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     18M
Microengineering MEMs and Interfacing - Danny B..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      9M
Micromechanical Photonics - H. Ukita.pdf           07-Jul-2016 12:07     15M
Microsensors, MEMS and Smart Devices  - Gardner..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     40M
Mobile Robots Inspiration to Implementation - F..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     33M
Modern Robotics Building Versatile Macines - Ha..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Motion Control Handbook.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 12:07    527K
Multi-Agent Robotic Systems.pdf                    07-Jul-2016 12:08     10M
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Cont..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      4M
Multi-Robot Systems From Swarms to Intelligent ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      7M
Nano- and Micro Eelectromechanical Systems - S...> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Neural Preprocessing and Control of Reactive Wa..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      7M
Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots - Joseph ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     65M
Next Wave in Robotics.pdf                          07-Jul-2016 12:08      9M
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbo..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      3M
Opto-Mechatronic Systems Handbook.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:07     54M
PDA Robotics.pdf                                   07-Jul-2016 12:07      5M
PIC Robotics - John Iovine.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 12:08     31M
Pic Microcontrollers For Beginners Book.pdf        07-Jul-2016 12:08      2M
Pic Robotics - A Beginners Guide To Robotics Pr..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     31M
Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming I..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07    867K
Practical and Experimental Robotics - Ferat Sah..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      9M
Principles and Applications of NanoMEMS Physics..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Rapid Learning in Robotics.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 12:08      2M
Recent Advances in Mechatronics - Ryszard Jabon..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     43M
Robot Builder Guide.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 12:08      5M
Robot Builder's Bonanza, 4th ed.pdf                07-Jul-2016 12:08     10M
Robot Builder's Cookbook Build and Design Your ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     12M
Robot Builders Source Book - Gordon McComb.pdf     07-Jul-2016 12:06     54M
Robot Builder’s Sourcebook.pdf                   07-Jul-2016 12:08     12M
Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice -..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     11M
Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Illustr..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Robot Motion Planning and Control - J.P. Laumon..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     21M
Robot Motion and Control - M Thoma, M Morari.pdf   07-Jul-2016 12:07     23M
Robot Vision - Stefan Florczyk.pdf                 07-Jul-2016 12:06      2M
Robotics Automation.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 12:07      8M
Robotics Demystified - Edwin Wise.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:08      7M
Robotics Designing the Mechanisms for Automated..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     10M
Robotics Mechanical Engineering Handbook.pdf       07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Robotics and Automation Handbook.pdf               07-Jul-2016 12:09     24M
Robotics.pdf                                       07-Jul-2016 12:09      2M
Robots, Androids and Animatrons.pdf                07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Scientific Methods in Mobile Robotics - Ulrich ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Sensing Intelligence Motion - How Robots and Hu..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      7M
Sensor Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot in an..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07    956K
Sensor Technology Handbook - By J. Wilson.pdf      07-Jul-2016 12:08     10M
Sensors and Methods for Mobile Robot Positionin..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     13M
Sentry Gun FAQ.pdf                                 07-Jul-2016 12:08     27K
Sentry                                     07-Jul-2016 12:06      8M
Sentry Gun.pdf                                     07-Jul-2016 12:06    342K
Smart Material Systems and MEMS - Vijay K. Vara..> 07-Jul-2016 12:09     18M
Socially Intel. Agents Creating Rels. with Comp..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06      2M
Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     10M
Squeak Learn Programming with Robots - Stephane..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      3M
Starting Electronics.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 12:08     13M
The 6.270 Robot Builder's Guide.pdf                07-Jul-2016 12:07      5M
The Art of LEGO Mindstorms NXT-G Programming.epub  07-Jul-2016 12:06     32M
The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots - ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:09     18M
The MEMS Handbook (1st Ed) - M. Gad el Hak.pdf     07-Jul-2016 12:08     67M
The MEMS Handbook Introduction and Fundamentals..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     17M
The MEMS Handbook MEMS Applications (2nd Ed) - ..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07     26M
The MEMS Handbook MEMS Design (2nd Ed) - M. Gad..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     43M
The Mechatronics Handbook.pdf                      07-Jul-2016 12:08     49M
The Robot Builder's Bonanza, 2 ed.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:07     10M
The Robot Builder's Bonanza, 3 ed.pdf              07-Jul-2016 12:08     11M
The Ultimate Palm Robot.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Underwater Robots - Gianluca Antonelli.pdf         07-Jul-2016 12:07      8M
Using Your PDA to Control Your Robot.pdf           07-Jul-2016 12:07      5M
Vision And Action - The Control of Grasping - G..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      9M
Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation - Ta..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08      6M
Welding Robots Technology System Issues and App..> 07-Jul-2016 12:07      2M
Where Am I - Sensors and Methods for Mobile Rob..> 07-Jul-2016 12:08     13M
Wi-Fi Toys - 15 Cool Wireless Projects For Home..> 07-Jul-2016 12:06     12M