Les services de Lagout.org ont un certain coût. Pour qu'ils continuent, les dons sont les bienvenus. Merci !
The services of lagout.org cost some bucks every months. To keep 'em alive, donations are very welcome, thanks !
../ 1K_Stack_Channel.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:58 703K 2K_PROM_RAM.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:58 418K 2K_RAM.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 410K 32_Bit_IO.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 436K 4K_RAM.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 454K 4K_Stack_Channel.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 413K 64_Inputs.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 477K Control_Card.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 533K Floppy_Disk_Controller.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 569K Hard_Disk_Controller.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 591K Hard_Disk_Controller_Read.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 556K Hard_Disk_Controller_Write.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 565K MICRAL_8008.jpg 06-Mar-2009 01:06 202K MICRAL_8080.jpg 06-Mar-2009 01:06 292K MICRAL_N.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 250K MICRAL_test.jpg 06-Mar-2009 01:06 222K RS-232_Board.jpg 20-Feb-2009 18:59 364K