SK*DOS 68K User's Manual

SK*DOS (TM) 68K User's Manual

by Peter A. Stark

Copyright (C) 1986 - 1990
by Peter A. Stark
and licensed to
Star-K Software Systems Corp.
P. O. Box 209
Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
(914) 241-0287

All rights reserved

Copyright <189> 1986 - 1990 by Peter A. Stark

All Star-K computer programs are licensed on an "as is" basis without warranty.

Star-K Software Systems Corp. shall have no liability or responsibility to customer or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by computer equipment or programs sold by Star-K, including but not limited to any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting from the use or operation of such computer or computer programs.

Good data processing procedure dictates that the user test the program, run and test sample sets of data, and run the system in parallel with the system previously in use for a period of time adequate to insure that results of operation of the computer or program are satisfactory.


A. Star-K Software Systems Corp. grants to customer a non-exclusive, paid up license to use on customer's computer the Star-K computer software received. Title to the media on which the software is recorded (cassette and/or disk) or stored (ROM) is transferred to customer, but not title to the software.

B. In consideration of this license, customer shall not reproduce copies of Star-K software except to reproduce the number of copies required for use on customer's computer and shall include the copyright notice on all copies of software reproduced in whole or in part.

C. The provisions of this software license (paragraphs A, B, and C) shall also be applicable to third parties purchasing such software from customer.

Wherever used in this manual, SK*DOS and HUMBUG are registered trademarks of Star-K Software Systems Corp.

Some earlier versions of 6809 SK*DOS are also known as STAR-DOS.

This is revision 1.16 of the manual, last revised on October 29, 1990.




I., ASM - THE 68000/68010 ASSEMBLER


In general, it is important that you develop good habits when using any floppy disk system. It is important that you make frequent backup disks, since it is very easy to lose a file, or even the data on an entire disk, due to a slippery finger or careless mistake.

Since a Disk Operating System (DOS) is an extremely powerful program which allows you to access the disk on a most elementary basis, exercising caution and making frequent backups is especially important.

If possible, you should make a backup of the SK*DOS system disk before doing anything else. If your SK*DOS was supplied to you already configured for the disk controller and other hardware you now have, then making such a backup is easy; if your hardware is different from what SK*DOS needs then it is not.

Assuming that your hardware is capable of running this version of SK*DOS as is, here is what to do to get a backup.

(1) Make sure the original SK*DOS disk is write-protected. On a five-inch disk you should place the write-protect tab over the slot on one edge of the disk; on an eight-inch disk you should remove the write-protect tab from the disk.

(2) Place the SK*DOS disk into drive 0, close the door, and boot it.

(3) After SK*DOS is booted and you get the prompt, use the FORMAT command to initialize a blank disk in drive 1. See Appendix G for instructions on using FORMAT. Format the disk in double density, including track 0.

(4) Once a new disk is formatted, use the BACKUP command to copy the SK*DOS system disk onto the blank disk. (See Appendix G for instructions on BACKUP.)

(5) Make several such backup disks, and put the original SK*DOS disk away into a safe place.

In any case, it might be a good idea to read this entire manual before proceeding.

PLEASE NOTE: Several years of work and effort have gone into writing and improving SK*DOS. It pains us to see this work taken lightly by individuals who give away or sell bootleg copies of this software or this manual. Please don't do it.

This manual describes the latest additions to SK*DOS to adapt it to the WD37C65 floppy disk controller used in the PT68K-4 computer.

In order to boot SK*DOS from a floppy disk on this computer, you must first do an Initial Setup, using HUMBUG's IS command, to specify what kind of disk drive(s) you are using. If your computer has a battery-backed up static RAM, the initial setup configuration will be saved until you change it; otherwise, you will have to enter it each time you turn on the computer. (If you use the PT68K-4, you should therefore make sure you have a HUMBUG version 2.0 or later, which has the IS command.)

If you are using this new version of SK*DOS on an older computer (such as the PT68K-2, which does not have a WD37C65 controller or recent HUMBUG), it may happen that the system will not properly work if the initial setup locations of the RAM accidentally contain information which fools SK*DOS into thinking that you have this floppy disk controller. If that happens, use HUMBUG's FM command to zero out memory locations $FF0BE8 through FF0BFF. Normally, this will not be a problem since it is very unlikely that these locations will contain just the right information to confuse SK*DOS's disk drivers.

Chapter 14 gives further information on the disk drives and formats which are supported by this version of SK*DOS.


The Disk Operating System, or DOS for short, is a program which acts as a file manager for a disk. The DOS acts as a buffer between the disk hardware, and the software which uses that disk. Its primary function is to maintain a disk directory on each disk, fetch program or data files from the disk as needed, and store programs or data back on the disk.

SK*DOS consists of three major parts:

(1) The Command Processor System or CPS, which is the major interface to the user. When SK*DOS is active, the CPS monitors the keyboard and waits for user commands. At that time, you can load and execute programs from the disk and do certain other functions. In addition, the CPS has a number of routines which can be used by other programs to simplify input and output for the terminal.

(2) The File Control System or FCS is the interface for programs running under SK*DOS. The FCS does the actual work of managing the contents of the disk. It has various routines which can be called by user programs for managing the disk contents.

(3) Memory- and disk-resident commands provide additional functions which work in conjunction with the CPS and FCS to provide an easy way of maintaining the disk.

In addition to the various commands supplied with SK*DOS, there are other programs available from other vendors which are designed to also work with SK*DOS. Furthermore, SK*DOS/68K floppy disks are compatible with those used by 6809 SK*DOS and Flex (a trademark of Technical Systems Consultants), so text and data files may be brought over from 6809 systems and used on your 68K system as well.

The interface between SK*DOS and user programs is similar to that standardized over a number of years on earlier 6809 systems, and is fully documented in this manual.

Since a DOS must be customized to run on a particular system, Star-K Software Systems Corporation, in conjunction with manufacturers who license SK*DOS, provides several different versions. Depending on the hardware configuration you specified with your order, you may already have received a version which is customized for your hardware, or you may have received a generic version which must still be adapted to your particular hardware. In general, you will have one of the following two files on your disk:

SK*DOS.SYS is a bootable version (which is started with the appropriate boot command of your monitor) and which is already configured for your hardware.

SK*DOS.COR is a generic version which lacks all console terminal and disk driver interfacing. In order to run this version, you will have to provide your own interface routines. An SK*DOS Configuration Manual, available from Star-K Software Systems Corp., describes the process of configuring SK*DOS for other hardware systems, and shows sample interfacing routines which can be used as a guide.


If you're anything like us, you want to try out a new program even before reading the manual, just to make sure `it works'. This is difficult to do with something as powerful as a DOS, but just to show you a bit of what SK*DOS can do, this section shows you how to bring the system up and run it. (This is only possible at this time if you have received a version of SK*DOS which is already configured for your specific hardware.)

After you finish trying it out, we suggest you put it away and go back to reading this manual.

To start, make sure that your disk is write-protected and place it into drive 0. Read Section 0 for information regarding how to boot SK*DOS on your system.

The computer will load the program and respond with

              WELCOME TO
    (C) 1986, 1990 BY PETER A. STARK
Respond with the date, using one or two digits for the month and day, and two digits for the year, as in 9,26,82, and hit the ENTER key. (If your system has a calendar clock and it has been set to the correct date and time, SK*DOS may take its date from the clock instead of asking you to enter it.) You will now get the prompt
SK*DOS is now running, and awaiting your further command. (You are looking at just the tip of SK*DOS - the part which is visible to the user. There is much more to SK*DOS than this, but this is the only part which you can see and experiment with without doing a bit more reading.)

You can now type in a variety of commands. Some commands will be immediately recognized by SK*DOS and acted upon; these are called 'memory resident' commands. Others are not recognized, and so SK*DOS will try to find them on the disk; these are called 'disk resident' commands.

To try a memory resident command, type the word

and hit ENTER. XEQ tells SK*DOS to execute the last program loaded in by SK*DOS. Of course, we haven't yet used SK*DOS to load anything, and so we get an error message which reads
SK*DOS error codes are explained in Appendix E; in this case there is no transfer address so SK*DOS does not know what to execute.

Let us next execute a disk-resident command:

The ACAT command prints an alphabetized catalog of the disk or current directory. (ACAT or ACAT 0 means drive 0, ACAT 1 means drive 1, and so on). In response to the ACAT 0 command, SK*DOS loads the ACAT.COM program from the disk and executes it, displaying a catalog of the disk in drive 0. (To halt the listing, just press the ESC or escape key. Pressing ESC again will continue the catalog listing, or pressing CR or RETURN will return to the SK*DOS prompt.)

Once the ACAT command is finished, you may repeat the entire command by pressing control-A. The control-A displays the entire previous command line (ACAT 0) as if you had typed it again. At this point you may simply perform that command by pressing CR, or may backspace and change all or part of the line. For example, you may backspace to the 0 and replace it with a 1 (assuming you have a drive 1), thereby changing the command to ACAT 1. Pressing the CR now would result in a catalog display of the disk in drive 1.

Another way of repeating a command is by using the XEQ command. XEQ tells SK*DOS to execute the last program loaded by SK*DOS. In this case, the last disk-resident command loaded is ACAT, so XEQ repeats the ACAT command.

There are two interesting points to note:

1. Running ACAT again by typing XEQ is faster than typing ACAT again, because typing ACAT loads the program from disk and then executes it, whereas XEQ merely restarts the ACAT program without loading it again.

2. Pressing control-A repeats an entire previous command line, including any arguments typed as part of that line (for example, the 0 in ACAT 0 is the argument and specifies the drive number.) XEQ restarts a program but does not supply any arguments; these must be entered after the XEQ (as in XEQ 0).

It is now time to return to reading the rest of this manual, so type the memory resident command

This command exits SK*DOS and returns to the monitor (assuming that your computer has one.)


The term File Specification or just file-spec refers to the four items required to completely specify a file on a disk: the drive number, a directory name, the file name, and an extension.

The file-spec usually looks something like this:

In this example,

0 is the drive number. It is separated from the rest of the file-spec by a period, and is usually a number between 0 and 9, inclusive. The drive number (and its period) may not always appear; if it is missing, then SK*DOS uses one of two default values (which may both be the same): it uses the system drive default value when loading commands from a drive, and it uses the work drive default value for most everything else. The drive number may either precede the rest of the file-spec, as above, or may follow it.

A is the directory name. An SK*DOS disk has a main directory, sometimes called a root directory, and may have up to 26 smaller directories called subdirectories. The subdirectories are called A/ through Z/, while the root directory is either called / or is not specified at all. The directory name (and its slash) may not always appear; if it is missing, then SK*DOS uses either the system or work drive default directory.

FILENAME in the above example is a one- to eight-character long word which usually is chosen to identify the contents of the file. It must begin with a letter, and the remaining characters may be either letters, numbers, hyphens, asterisks ("stars"), or the underscore. The file name is the only absolutely required part of the file-spec in every instance.

EXT in the above example is a one- to three-character abbreviation which usually identifies the type of file. It is separated from the name by a period (and may also be followed by another period and the drive number). Like file-names, extensions must begin with a letter, and the remaining characters may be either letters, numbers, hyphens, asterisks ("stars"), or the underscore. Extensions are not always required if they are obvious, since SK*DOS programs default to certain extensions for certain commands.

Each of the four parts of the file-spec needs some further clarifying details:

1. SK*DOS differentiates between physical drive numbers and logical drive numbers. The physical drive number is the wired-in number determined by the hardware controller and the actual disk drive. For example, a given floppy drive may have its DS0 (drive select 0) jumper installed, which gives that drive the physical number of drive 0. This same drive also has a logical drive number, which may be different from the physical number. This assignment is handled by the DRIVE command, which may assign any of the ten logical drive numbers to any physical drive. The file-spec uses logical drive numbers, not physical drive numbers.

2. Floppy disks usually have only a root directory; most people use subdirectories only to split a large hard disk into smaller, more easily manageable sections. Each subdirectory might then be used for a specific type of file. (Incidentally, if you change the variable FNCASE to allow both upper and lower case file specs, you can then have a total of 52 subdirectories on a disk, called A through Z and a through z.)

3. There are several file names which are reserved for SK*DOS's own internal use. These fall into two categories:

a. The names DIR, GET, GETX, MON, RESET, SAVE, TRACE***, and XEQ are used for internal `memory-resident' commands. While these names may also be used for file names, any command files bearing these names will not be called since SK*DOS will use its internal commands instead.

b. The names CONS, PRTR, and NULL (and possibly a few others of your own choosing) apply to I/O devices rather than files. These names can also be used for file names, but in certain cases SK*DOS will interpret them as applying to a device rather than a file.

4. While files can have any valid extension, by convention certain kinds of files tend to have specified extensions. These extensions are listed in Appendix F. Most programs and commands default to specific extensions unless another extension is specified. For example, the EDLIN command is used to edit text files, and always assumes that its text files use a .TXT extension if none is given. The GET command, on the other hand, is always used to load binary files into memory, and so it automatically assumes a .BIN extension if none is given. You may provide an extension when you use these commands, but it is usually not necessary.

Unlike default extensions, which are built into commands and programs, default drive numbers and directories can be specified by the user by using the SYSTEM and WORK commands. When SK*DOS is first booted, it defaults everything to the root directory of drive 0. You may keep these defaults, but specify different drive numbers or directory names just when you need them, or you may set up a default drive or directory different from the root directory of drive 0, which will then automatically be chosen for most commands - unless you specify otherwise.

Here is a simple example. Suppose you wish to use the LIST.COM command to display a file called FILE.TXT. Let's assume that LIST is in directory C of drive 0, while FILE.TXT is in directory X of drive 3. One way to do this would be to give the command

But since SK*DOS automatically defaults to .COM extensions for commands, while LIST defaults to .TXT extensions for text files, the command could have been shortened to
If you expect to use a lot of commands from drive 0 directory C, and perhaps a lot of text files from drive 3 directory X, then you could specify those as default values with

These two commands would tell SK*DOS to use 0 and C/ for loading its system commands, and to use 3 and X/ as the work drive and directory. Once you do this, then the command to list the file would simply be
Subdirectories are generally used to organize the contents of a hard disk. For example, you might put all assembler source files into the A/ subdirectory, put your Basic programs into B/, put C programs into C/, and so on.

Although it wastes space, it is possible to put separate copies of a file into more than one directory. For example, to place a copy of the above 3.X/FILE.TXT into subdirectory Y, you could simply use the COPY command as follows:

To move a file from one directory into another, you use the RENAME command. Thus the command
leaves only one file on the disk, but moves it from X/ to Y/. This is different from the COPY command, which would leave two copies of the same file on the disk, one in X/ and another in Y/. Note that in this case, changing one copy does not change the other.


The SK*DOS package consists of essentially two parts:

1. The SK*DOS program itself.

2. A set of disk-resident commands such as CAT and LIST. The disk-resident commands are described later; this section deals with the SK*DOS program itself.

The SK*DOS program in turn consists of three parts:

1. The File Control System (or FCS for short) which maintains the disk directory and in general is responsible for managing the disk contents. The FCS has various routines which may be called by other programs; some of these routines actually handle the disk and its files, while other routines may handle peripheral functions (such as printing out strings, or converting numbers to and from decimal). These routines are used by the FCS, but they are documented in this manual and may also be used by application programs.

2. The Command Processor System (or CPS for short) which acts as an interface between a user and the FCS. When SK*DOS is first loaded and executed, the CPS prints the SK*DOS: prompt and awaits further instructions. These instructions may or may not involve the FCS.

3. The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) which adapts SK*DOS to run on a particular hardware system. The BIOS contains the software which interfaces with the keyboard, display, printer, and disk drives.

The FCS and CPS parts of SK*DOS are the same on all systems; the BIOS portion must be tailored for each different computer. In some cases, the BIOS is provided either by Star-K or by a hardware manufacturer; in other cases, you may have purchased a more generic version of SK*DOS and will have to provide your own BIOS if your hardware is different from those systems currently supported.

Depending on the version, SK*DOS (with all its hardware-dependent routines) occupies approximately 24K to 32K of RAM. The exact location of SK*DOS varies from system to system, but in most systems it begins at $1000. Once booted, however, it is not necessary to know exactly where SK*DOS is located in your memory, since SK*DOS is called by application programs through `exception vectors'. Hence this manual describes the FCS and CPS portions of SK*DOS from the point of view of a user or applications programmer. BIOS information, needed only by systems programmers implementing SK*DOS on a new system, is provided in a separate (optional) Configuration Manual.


When SK*DOS is first loaded and started, it responds with the SK*DOS: prompt and waits for a command to be processed. At this point you may enter either a Memory Resident Command, a Disk Resident Command, or a Batch Command. Depending on the command, sometimes several commands may be entered on one line, separated by colons. Commands may consist of more than one part and may be up to 127 characters long, if necessary. The various parts of a command may be separated by either spaces or commas, and the command should be followed by a RETURN (which may be labelled ENTER or CR on some keyboards.)

Commands typed into the command processor (and other input which may be entered in user programs) are stored in a line buffer (called LINBUF). If you type a control-A character while inputting a command or other input into the line buffer, SK*DOS will add the remaining contents of the line buffer to the input you have just typed and display it on your terminal. This is useful for repeating a command in its entirety, or repeating just parts of it. For example, suppose you have just completed the command

and then, upon completion of that command, you type a control-A. SK*DOS will display the entire previous line again and position the cursor after the D in OLD. If you then press the RETURN key, you will perform the command again. Alternatively, you may backspace and change any part of the command. For example, if you backspaced to the beginning of NAME2 and typed in a new name such as NAME3, then the line would read
At this point you could either press RETURN and execute the line as is, or again press control-A; the latter would complete the line by adding the .OLD at the end.

Whenever you enter a command line, SK*DOS will first check whether you have typed the name of a memory-resident command. If so, the command is immediately executed.

If no memory-resident command exists by that name, SK*DOS will try to find the command on the disk and execute it. Disk resident commands are program files which have a .COM extension.

If no such .COM file is found, SK*DOS makes one more try - to find a Batch File. A batch file is a text file (having a .BAT extension) which itself contains one or more other memory- or disk-resident commands which should also be executed.

For example, suppose a batch file called TWODIR.BAT has the following two text lines:

Entering the command TWODIR would then display the disk directories of both drives 0 and 1.

If a command is given which is none of the above then SK*DOS will print a `file not found' error message.

Note that a .BAT file should never have the same name as a .COM file, since SK*DOS will find and execute the .COM file first, and never execute the .BAT file at all.


SK*DOS recognizes a number of Memory Resident Commands. These are commands which are integral parts of SK*DOS, and are in memory at all times. They are therefore called by their names, and do not get either an extension or drive number.

Memory-resident commands include the following; more detailed descriptions are provided in Appendix G:

DIR -- Display the contents (directory) of a disk

GET -- Load a binary file from disk into memory

GETX -- Load a binary file from disk into memory

MON -- Exit SK*DOS and return to a ROM monitor

RESET -- Exit SK*DOS and return to a ROM monitor

SAVE -- Save contents of memory to a binary disk file

TRACE*** -- Allow command tracing; see TRACENAB in Appendix G.

XEQ -- Execute the last file loaded from disk

There are some differences between GET and GETX, and between MON and RESET:

GET and GETX both load a binary file from disk into memory, but GET checks the loading addresses and will return an error message if the file would load outside the normal user-accessible memory (as defined by two variables called OFFSET and MEMEND.) GETX does not check such loading addresses.

MON and RESET both exit SK*DOS and return to a ROM monitor, but in some systems MON will re-enter the monitor without doing a complete system initialization; whereas RESET will completely initialize the system. This distinction is important because RESET will initialize all exception vectors to the ROM monitor's values, whereas MON may not. (In some systems, RESET may not be operational.)

Although DIR will display the contents of a disk, you may prefer to use some of the other disk-resident commands such as CAT, ACAT, SCAT, or TCAT, which provide more information than DIR.

Although, strictly speaking, Control-A is not a command, this may be a convenient place to discuss it. Pressing a control-A while typing any command will repeat the remaining portion of any previous command, display it on the screen, and ready it for execution. The control-A is a powerful feature, but it can also be misused if entered past the end of the last previous command.


SK*DOS is supplied with a variety of disk-resident commands which are described in Appendix G. In addition, it is relatively easy to write your own command files and store them on the disk for later execution.

Disk resident commands are supplied as binary, machine language files with .COM extensions. They are executed simply by typing their names. For example, the CAT.COM command may be executed just by typing CAT after the SK*DOS: prompt. This is equivalent to typing the sequence

since any unknown word (other than one recognized by SK*DOS as a memory resident command) is interpreted as calling a disk command and executing it. A .COM extension is assumed, and the program is automatically executed as soon as it is loaded.

Since SK*DOS automatically searches the disk for commands, it is possible for users to write their own Disk Resident Commands. Arguments to be used by the command can be entered on the same line as the command name, and then processed by the command with the aid of SK*DOS routines such as NEXTCH (get the next character from the Line Buffer). The listing of the LIST command, later in this manual, will show how additional commands can be written.

The disk-resident commands supplied with SK*DOS are described in Appendix G.


The FCS is the heart of SK*DOS, since it is responsible for reading, writing, and locating files on the disk. Although the FCS system is working, it is invisible when you run some of the disk resident commands such as BUILD or LIST. It is, however, heavily used by all programs which run under SK*DOS. The following explanation will assume that you have the knowledge and need to examine the operation of SK*DOS on this detailed level.

When reading a file, the FCS looks up the file location in the system portion of the disk (track number 0 on the disk) and then goes to read it. When writing a file to the disk, the FCS uses the system track to assign space to the file; when the file is written, the FCS updates the system track so that the file can later be found.

Fortunately, though this process is rather complex in any disk system, the user need not be concerned with how it is done, or where on the disk a given file is located. The SK*DOS FCS does all this automatically; the user need only give the FCS a file name and a command as to what to do. This is done by setting up a File Control Block or FCB for each file that is to be opened; a given program may use as many FCBs as desired. The FCB contains the file-spec, assorted flags and variables which are used by the FCS to keep track of the file, and also the data read from, or about to be written to, a single sector on the disk.

For example, to access the disk through the FCS to read text from a disk file, the sequence of operations would be something like this:

1. Set up a File Control Block with a DS instruction.

2. Point the A4 register to the FCB, and call the SK*DOS FCS system to input a file name.

3. Call SK*DOS again to assign a default extension, if needed.

4. Call SK*DOS a third time to open the file.

5. Call SK*DOS to read a byte from the file and process it.

6. Repeat step 5 as long as needed, then

7. Call SK*DOS to close the file.

All of these operations use the FCB as a buffer, both to hold the contents of an entire sector of data read from or written to the disk, as well as to keep track of the file name and location, and other pertinent data.

The FCB is discussed in the next Chapter.


The File Control Block, or FCB for short, is used for all communications between the File Control System (FCS) and user programs. One FCB is required for each file that is opened by a program, although that FCB can be reused again if a file is closed (thereby releasing the FCB) and another file is opened with the same FCB location.

The FCB is an area of memory 352 or 608 bytes long which must start on an even address. (Although only 352-byte FCBs are used at this time, users should set aside 608 bytes for each FCB so as to be compatible with future versions of SK*DOS.)

SK*DOS maintains several such FCBs for its internal use. One of these is called the User FCB, or USRFCB. It is available for use by other programs. Although it is used by SK*DOS, this is done in a way which does not prevent its use by those user programs which also require a FCB.

The FCB consists of 352 (or 608) bytes. Of these, the first 96 bytes are used for storage of various file parameters, while the remaining 256 (or 512) bytes hold the data for one sector of disk data. During a disk read operation, these bytes hold the contents of the last sector previously read; during a write operation, these bytes generally hold the contents of the next sector to be written.

Not all of the first 96 bytes are used; the following descriptions cover those bytes that are used in SK*DOS.

Byte No. 0. Reserved

This byte is reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 1. Error code (see Appendix E)

After the FCS is finished doing an FCB operation, it returns to the user program. If no error is found, then the Z bit in the condition code register is a 1 and the content of this byte is irrelevant. But if an error is found, then the Z bit is a 0 and this byte contains an error code. The status of the Z bit should be tested directly after returning from SK*DOS with a BNE (to error routine) or BEQ (to normal continuation) instruction. The content of this error byte is also stored in ERRTYP.

Byte No. 2. Read/Write/Update status

This byte indicates whether the file is open for reading, writing, or random file updating. SK*DOS checks the byte prior to reading or writing to make sure that the file is open for the appropriate operation. The values of this byte for an open file are as follows:

1 = open for sequential reading

2 = open for sequential writing

3 = open for updating, but no changes have been made to current sector

83 = open for updating, and changes have been made to current sector (this is hexadecimal 83)

Byte No. 3. Logical drive number (0 through 9)

This byte contains the number of the drive being used for this file control block. The drive number will normally be a number from 0 through 9, but when opening a file for reading or writing it may also be specified as $FF, in which case SK*DOS will search your drives, beginning with drive 0, for a drive where the requested operation can be completed. Then it will place the correct drive number into this byte and open the file. Since many disk drivers do not provide a way of determining whether a 5" floppy disk is ready or not, SK*DOS may "hang up" if there is no disk in a drive being searched, although the DRIVE command can be used to lock out non-existent drive numbers. (See also Chapter 13 for I/O redirection and its use with the logical drive number.)

Bytes No. 4-11. File name (8 bytes)

These eight bytes contain the name of the file being used with this FCB. The first character of the name (always in byte 4) must be a letter, and the remaining ones may be either letters, digits, hyphens, or underlines. If the name is shorter than 8 characters, then the remaining bytes must be filled with zeroes.

Bytes No. 12-14. Extension (3 bytes)

These three bytes contain the extension that goes with the name in bytes 4 through 11. The extension obeys the same rules as the name described above.

Byte No. 15. File attributes

This byte defines the type of user access permitted to this file. The bits are used as follows:

Bits 0-3 - reserved for future use (leave at 0)

Bit 4 - will not be listed by CAT utility

Bit 5 - Reading not permitted

Bit 6 - Deletion not permitted

Bit 7 - Writing not permitted

Bytes No. 16-17. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 18. First track of file 
Byte No. 19. First sector of file

These two bytes point to the first sector of the file.

Bytes No. 20-21. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 22. Last track of file 
Byte No. 23. Last sector of file

These two bytes point to the last sector of the file.

Bytes No. 24-25. Number of sectors in the file

These two bytes indicate the size of the file in sectors.

Byte No. 26. Random file indicator

This byte indicates whether the current file is a sequential file or a random file. A zero in this byte indicates a sequential file, a nonzero indicates a random file. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

Byte No. 27. Time or sequence number

This byte normally contains either the file creation time (encoded as a one-byte number), or a sequence number. Sequence numbers are sequential numbers, beginning with 1 when the system is first booted. Sequence numbers indicate the order in which files are written on any particular day. (See INTIME in Chapter 13 for further information.)

Byte No. 28. Month of file creation (1 through 12)
Byte No. 29. Day of file creation (1 through 31)
Byte No. 30. Year of file creation (last two digits)

These three bytes hold the date when the file was created. All three bytes are in binary, but only the last two decimal digits of the year are stored. That is, in 1984 byte 30 stores a decimal 84, or a hexadecimal 54. NOTE: Numbers from 76 to 99 are interpreted as 1976 through 1999; numbers 00 through 75 are interpreted as 2000 through 2075.

Byte No. 31. Reserved

This byte is reserved for use by SK*DOS.

Bytes No. 32-33. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 34. Current track number
Byte No. 35. Current sector number

These two bytes contain the track and sector number of the sector currently in the FCB. If the file is being read, then they indicate where the data currently in the FCB came from; if the file is being written, then they indicate where this data will go.

Bytes No. 36-46. Temporary name buffer 1

These eleven bytes are used to temporarily hold a file name and extension while the file is being renamed or deleted.

Byte No. 47. Reserved

This byte is reserved for use by SK*DOS.

Byte No. 48. Reserved

This byte is reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 49. Sequential data pointer to next byte (4 through 255)

On all sequential read or write operations, this byte points to the next byte to be read or written into the sector buffer portion of the FCB. The pointer is a 4 for the first byte, or 255 for the last byte. SK*DOS changes this byte automatically; users will not normally touch it.

Byte No. 50. Reserved

This byte is reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 51. Random data pointer to next byte (4 through 255)

On all random read or write operations, this byte points to the next byte to be read or written into the sector buffer portion of the FCB. The pointer is a 4 for the first byte, or 255 for the last byte. Unlike the sequential data pointer (byte 49), this byte is not changed by SK*DOS, but is to be set by user programs instead. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

Bytes No. 52-62. Temporary name buffer 2

These eleven bytes hold the new name and extension of a file being renamed. The new name should be stored into these bytes prior to calling the rename function of the FCS, using the same rules as apply to bytes 4 through 11 above. (These bytes overlap with some of the bytes below, but there is no conflict as they are used at different times.)

Byte No. 58. Column Counter (for Basic)

This byte is used only by Basic to keep track of the current output column.

Byte No. 59. Space compression indicator

This byte indicates whether space compression is being done in reading or writing the current file. Values of 0 through 127 ($00 through $7F) indicate that space compression is being done, and the actual value represents the number of spaces currently being compressed. A value of 255 ($FF) indicates that no space compression is being done. SK*DOS initializes this byte to 00 upon opening a file; it is up to the user to change it to $FF (after opening the file but before reading or writing) if space compression is not desired.

Byte No. 60. Number of sectors per track

This byte contains the number of sectors per track during random file operations. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

Byte No. 63. Reserved

This byte is reserved for use by SK*DOS.

Bytes No. 64-67. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Bytes No. 68-71. Next FCB pointer

These four bytes point to the next FCB, if any, which was opened after this one (or, more exactly, they point to the corresponding bytes of the next FCB, not to the beginning of that FCB). This information is used by SK*DOS to keep a list of all FCBs currently in use, so that they can be closed if an FCSCLS operation is requested. If this is the last FCB in the chain, then these bytes contain zeroes.

Byte No. 72. Physical Drive Number

Using the DRIVE command, SK*DOS allows you to reassign logical drive numbers to different physical drives; this byte contains the physical drive number actually used by the hardware in reading or writing a sector or file.

Byte No. 73. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 74. Directory track number
Byte No. 75. Directory sector number

These two bytes point to the location in the directory where the current file is listed. The directory begins on track 0 sector 5, but may extend to other tracks if track 0 is filled.

Bytes No. 76-77. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Bytes Nos. 78-79. Current or desired sector number

This byte indicates the position of the current sector within the file. In sequential files, the first sector of a file is sector number 1, and so on. In random files the first two sectors, which contain the file map, are number 0, and sector 1 is the first data sector of the file. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

Bytes No. 80-95. Reserved

These bytes are reserved for future expansion.

Byte No. 96. Beginning of data area

The 256 bytes starting at byte 96 contain the data for an entire disk sector. (Use of a 608-byte FCB leaves another 256 bytes at the end of this data area, thereby allowing for future expansion to 512-byte sectors.)


SK*DOS has a large number of subroutines and functions which can be called from user programs. Some of these are actual part of the File Control System; others are simply routines which the FCS itself uses and which are useful to the typical programmer.

This chapter documents these routines and shows how they are used. All of these routines are accessed through the `exception vectors' of the 68xxx processor.

68xxx processors have a number of `traps' which trap undefined or illegal operations, and cause a return to a supervisor or operating system via a set of exception vectors in low memory. A full description of this system is beyond the scope of this manual, and we suggest you get the Motorola literature for your processor, or one of the many textbooks on 68xxx programming, for more information.

One of the undefined or illegal 68K operations which causes a trap is any machine language instruction beginning with $A; Motorola literature refers to these as "Line 1010" instructions. Whenever any such instruction is encountered, the 68K CPU does a trap, via one of its exception vectors, to SK*DOS. Thus SK*DOS uses these instructions within user programs to call functions within SK*DOS.

Within SK*DOS, the second byte of each such instruction is used to select a particular function to be performed. For example, the instruction $A001 is used to read a byte from a file, $A002 writes a byte, and so on. A user program calls such a function with the instruction

    DC   $A0xx
where the xx is simply replaced by the number of the function desired.

To avoid the necessity of remembering the numeric code for each particular function, the SK*DOS disk includes a file called SKEQUATE.TXT which provides a series of EQUates which define the exact numeric code for each function. Hence only the function name given in the following descriptions need be remembered. This file may be included as a library file in any user programs you write with the instruction

Once so defined, the names in the SKEQUATE file can be used in the DC line, as in
    DC   FREAD
Each of the functions listed in this chapter always preserves registers D0 through D4, and A0 through A4, and generally never preserves registers D5 through D7 and A5 through A6. Arguments passed to SK*DOS are generally passed in D4 or A4, as applicable, and arguments passed back to the user program are generally in D5 or A5, as appropriate. In addition, all of the following functions always return with A6 pointing to the SK*DOS user- accessible variable area (see Chapter 11 and VPOINT for a fuller explanation.)

The functions listed in this chapter are divided into two groups:

A. Functions which do not involve reading or writing to the disk

B. Functions which do involve writing or reading disks


The following SK*DOS functions do not directly involve disk operations:

COLDST Cold start

COLDST is the only function which is not called through an $Axxx trap. Instead, it is the entry point that is used when SK*DOS is first loaded from disk and executed. Entering at COLDST erases all pointers and completely initializes SK*DOS to the beginning. User programs should not use this entry point, especially when files are open, as entering at COLDST causes SK*DOS to `forget' all its open files. This can corrupt the contents of a disk or its directory. Nevertheless, COLDST may be useful in special applications. Keep in mind, however, that the precise address of COLDST depends on the particular system SK*DOS is run on. You may determine the appropriate address for your system by using the LOCATE command (with the - option) to determine the load address of SK-DOS.SYS. COLDST should be entered with a JMP instruction.

WARMST $A01E Warm start

WARMST is the re-entry point to be used by user programs. Re-entering at WARMST closes all open files and thus helps to insure the integrity of the directory. SK*DOS then prints its prompt and looks for a command to be processed by the Command Processor System.

RENTER $A025 Re-enter SK*DOS

This routine re-enters the SK*DOS command processor system at the point where it processes a command line. It is used when it is desired to continue processing the remainder of a command line (such as after the O or P commands.)

VPOINT $A000 Point to SK*DOS variable area

This routine returns the address of the SK*DOS variable area in A6. Indexed addressing via A6 may then be used to access those variables in SK*DOS of interest to user programs. VPOINT may not be needed in most programs, since all SK*DOS function calls also return this address in A6. The variables which may be accessed are listed in Chapter 11.

GETCH $A029 Get input character with echo

GETCH is used to get an input character from the keyboard; it returns with the character in D5. All valid keyboard character codes can be input, but the parity bit (bit 7) is changed to a 0 for all input. The character is echoed to the output.

INNOEC $A02A Get input character without echo
INNOE1 $A043 Get input character without echo (bypass typeahead)

INNOEC is just like GETCH, but characters are not echoed to the output, and the parity bit is not cleared. Thus INNOEC can be used for 8-bit input, whereas GETCH only reads 7 bits. INNOE1 is similar, but bypasses typeahead (if implemented on the system - see Chapter 14.)

PUTCH $A033 Output character

PUTCH is used to output a character from D4 to the output terminal.

INLINE $A02C Input into line buffer

SK*DOS maintains a 128-byte line buffer which it uses to parse commands to its own Command Processor System. The INLINE routine is used to enter an entire line of text from the keyboard into this line buffer, and may also be used by user programs. A line is normally ended with a CR character ($0D), which is placed at the end of the entered text. Hence the maximum text line which can be entered into the 128-byte buffer is 127 bytes long. This routine permits erasing errors with the backspace key. The Control-X key erases an entire line and starts over. The Control-A key re-displays the entire previous line in the line buffer, from the current cursor position to the previous end of line (carriage return) and can be used to repeat all or any part of a previous line.

PSTRNG $A035 Print CR/LF and string

PSTRNG is used to output an entire string of text to the terminal. The string is preceded by a carriage return and line feed, meaning that the text begins on a new line on the screen. On entry, A4 should point to the first character to be printed, and the string should end with an 04 byte to denote end of data.

PNSTRN $A036 Print string (WITHOUT CR/LF)

PNSTRN is used to output an entire string of text to the terminal. Unlike PSTRNG, however, it is not preceded by a carriage return and line feed. On entry, A4 should point to the first character to be printed, and the string should end with an 04 byte to denote end of data.

CLASFY $A02E Classify alphanumeric characters

This routine is used to classify characters in D4. If the character is a letter or digit, then the C (carry) bit of the condition code register is cleared; otherwise, it is set.

PCRLF $A034 Print CR/LF

This routine prints a carriage return / line feed; that is, it forces the cursor to the next line so that subsequent input or output will occur at the beginning of a new line.

GETNXT $A02D Get next character from buffer

This routine is used to get the next character from the 128-byte input buffer used by SK*DOS. This character is returned in D5 and also placed in the CURRCH location in SK*DOS; the previous character which was in CURRCH is placed into PREVCH so that user programs have access to the last two characters taken from the line buffer. This routine automatically calls CLASFY, so that the carry bit can be used to indicate whether the current character is alphanumeric or not. If the line buffer contains a string of spaces, then GETNXT will return only one space. GETNXT will continue fetching characters until it gets to the end of the line, at which time it will continue to output the end of line ($0D (CR) or ENDLIN) if it is called again, and will also set the carry bit to indicate a non-alphanumeric character. This routine uses the LPOINT pointer to keep track of the next character to be taken from the buffer. This pointer is normally set to the beginning of the buffer after a line is input from the keyboard with INLINE, and is incremented by one each time a character is fetched from the buffer, so that it always points to the next character to be fetched. At the end of a line, it always points to the CR character.

RESIO $A020 Reset I/O pointers

RESIO resets I/O vectors to their initial states. For example, if output is vectored to a disk file, a call to RESIO returns output to the terminal. In general, RESIO resets console I/O vectors to their normal conditions. RESIO is called during WARMST so that SK*DOS always returns to a known state upon return from a user program.

RESTRP $A021 Reset trap vectors

RESTRP resets the 68K processor's trap vectors to those initially used by SK*DOS at boot. (see TRPFLG for further information.) RESTRP is called during WARMST so that SK*DOS always returns to a known state upon return from a user program.

GETNAM $A023 Get file name into FCB

This routine is used to take a file specification from the input buffer and place it into the appropriate bytes of an FCB. At entry, A4 should point to the FCB to be filled, and the LPOINT line buffer pointer should point to the beginning of the file specification in the line buffer. As the file specification is parsed, the drive number will be placed into the drive number location of the FCB (unless no drive number is specified, in which case the working drive will be used). The directory name, file name and the extension, if present, will also be placed into the FCB; if the directory name is missing it will be replaced by the default directory, and a missing name or extension will be replaced by zeroes. If the file specification has no errors, then the carry will be cleared; else it will be set. The file specification in the line buffer may end with a space, comma, CR, or ENDLIN character; if a space or comma, then LPOINT will point to the next character after it, if a CR or ENDLIN, then LPOINT will point to the CR or ENDLIN character. Errors will place error code 21 (illegal file name) into the FCB and set the carry.

LOADML $A022 Load open machine language file

This routine is used to load a machine language file into memory at its normal load address (which is equal to the address listed in the file, plus the OFFSET address, except that the OFFSET address is not added if LASTRM contains a minus sign.) LOADML is normally used by the memory resident GET command to fetch programs prior to execution. Prior to entering LOADML, the user program should use the USRFCB (user FCB) to open the file to be loaded. The file is then loaded, and its transfer address is stored in the EXECAD location. If there is no transfer then XFERFL is set to 0; else it is non-zero. Any transfer address found is stored in the EXECAD location. Errors such as error 4 (file not found) cause an immediate return to the calling program with a non-zero condition and the FCB indicating the error; read errors once a file is found immediately abort the program, close all files, and return to SK*DOS warm start.

DEFEXT $A024 Default extension

This routine is used to enter a default extension into an FCB if the file specification already in the FCB does not contain one. Before entering, the user program should point A4 to the beginning of the FCB, and should place into D4 a numeric code which indicates which default is desired. The codes are as follows:
0 = BIN
3 = BAS
6 = SCR
9 = DIR
12 = BAT
1 = TXT 
4 = SYS
7 = DAT
10 = PRT
13 = SRC
2 = COM
5 = BAK
8 = BAC
11 = OUT
14 = PIP

OUT5D $A038 Output 5 decimal digits

This routine outputs a decimal number of up to five digits. Before entering, the calling program should place into D4 the unsigned binary word to be printed, and set D5 to zero if the number is to be printed without leading spaces or zeroes, or to nonzero if the number is to be printed with leading spaces.

OUT10D $A039 Output 10 decimal digits

This routine outputs a decimal number of up to ten digits. Before entering, the calling program should place into D4 the unsigned binary long-word to be printed, and set D5 to zero if the number is to be printed without leading spaces or zeroes, or to nonzero if the number is to be printed with leading spaces.

OUT2H $A03A Output 2 hex digits

This routine prints the two-digit hexadecimal number that is in the right-most byte of D4 on entry.

OUT4H $A03B Output 4 hex digits

This routine prints the four-digit hexadecimal number that is in the right-most word of D4 on entry.

OUT8H $A03C Output 8 hex digits

This routine prints the eight-digit hexadecimal number that is in D4 on entry.

PERROR $A037 Print error code

When an error is encountered by the FCS while using an FCB, user programs should do a call to this routine to print the error code. PERROR should be entered with A4 pointing to the beginning of the FCB, and the error code in byte 1 of the FCB. The error codes are listed in Appendix E. The error code is printed as a number; in addition, if the system disk contains the file ERRCODES.SYS, SK*DOS will read a one-line text description from this file and print it alongside the numeric code to explain the error's meaning.

TOUPPR $A031 Convert lower case to upper (in D5!)

Converts a lower case character in D5 into upper case. Primarily for use right after GETCH or GETNXT, if only upper case letters are desired.

HEXIN $A02F Input hexadecimal number

This routine inputs a hexadecimal number from the line buffer and places it in D5. Before entering, the calling program should make sure that LPOINT points to the first digit of the number to be input; at the end, LPOINT will be left pointing as described earlier for GETNAM. On output, D6 is non-zero if a number was actually found, and the carry bit is set if an invalid character was found in the number. (It is possible for both D6 and the carry to be zero if HEXIN encounters a delimiter such as a space, comma, CR, or ENDLIN immediately on entry.) If a number is not found the number returned is zero; if the number is greater than $FFFFFFFF, then only the last eight hex digits are returned.

DECIN $A030 Input decimal number

This routine is similar to HEXIN, but inputs a decimal number rather than a hexadecimal one.

EXECSD $A01F Execute a SK*DOS command

This entry point allows a user-written program to call SK*DOS as a subroutine and have it execute a command line placed into the line buffer. On entry, A4 should point to the beginning of the command (usually at the beginning of the line buffer), and the command should end with a CR or ENDLIN character. If the command line in turn executes a disk-resident program, then that program should end with a DC WARMST instruction to return to SK*DOS. SK*DOS, in turn, knowing that the program was called from another user program, will return control to the user program. The user should be careful not to call a program which will overlay part of the calling program in memory.

STATUS $A02B Check keyboard for character
STATU1 $A042 Check Keyboard for character (by- pass typeahead)

This routine allows a user program to check whether a character is being entered from the keyboard. If no character is being entered, the Z bit in the condition code register is set; if a character is being entered, then the Z bit is clear. All other registers are preserved. STATU1 is similar, but bypasses typeahead (if implemented - see Chapter 14.)

INTDIS $A040 Disable Interrupts

This routine masks interrupts (to level 7), thereby preventing the CPU from being interrupted by level 0 through 6 interrupts. This SK*DOS call is intended only for use by advanced programmers, and then only in systems programs such as FORMAT.

INTENA $A041 Re-Enable Interrupts

This routine restores interrupts to the same status as existed before the last previous INTDIS call. Make sure not to use INTENA unless it has been preceded by a INTDIS. This SK*DOS call is intended only for use by advanced programmers, and then only in systems programs such as FORMAT.

FINDEV $A012 Find device from name

This function converts a device name (such as CONS for console) to a device number (plus $10). For example, to find out whether PRTR has been installed as a printer driver, place the name PRTR (followed by seven $00 bytes to erase the remaining name and extension bytes) into the file-name bytes of an FCB, and call FINDEV. If PRTR is not installed, then SK*DOS will return error 4 (not found); if it is installed, then SK*DOS will place the device number (plus $10) into the logical drive-number byte. For example, if PRTR is device 2, then FINDEV will return $12 in byte 3 of the FCB.

GETDNT $A03F Get date and time

If the system contains a clock/calendar IC, then this function returns the current date and time in D5 and D6 as shown below:
    | | | +- year in hexadecimal
    | | +----- day in hex  
    | +--------- month in hex  
    +------------- day of week (00=none, 01=Sunday, 02=Monday, ...)
D6: 00HHMMSS  
    | | | +- seconds in hex  
    | | +----- minutes in hex  
    | +--------- hours (24-hr time)  
    +------------- always zero
If no clock/calendar IC is available, then the day of week byte of D5, and all of D6, are zero, and only the date (month/day/year) is returned (obtained from the date typed in by the user upon booting).

ICNTRL $A028 Input Control
OCNTRL $A032 Output Control

These two functions permit device driver selection, special characters to be passed to or from a device driver, and other device functions. See Chapter 14 for a more complete explanation.

FLUSHT $A044 Flush Type-ahead buffer, if any.

This function flushes (empties) the keyboard typeahead buffer (if implemented - see Chapter 14.)

FNPRNT $A045 Print file-name

This function formats and prints the directory and file-name (but not drive number) pointed to by A4. In memory, the name should consist of 11 bytes, 8 for the directory and name, and 3 for the extension, with no period between them. In addition, D4.B is used to specify whether to provide spaces for missing items. If D4.B is zero, then the name might be printed as just NAME.EXT; if D4.B is not zero, then there would be two spaces before NAME (leaving space for a possible directory name), and four spaces between NAME and the period (leaving space for an 8-character name). Furthermore, if the extension is missing (zero in memory) then using a non-zero D4.B would leave three spaces after the period.


The following SK*DOS functions involve reading or writing disks.

FCSINI $A01B Initialize File Control System

This function should not normally be used by user programs as it can result in corruption of the disk. It totally initializes the system - disk drivers are initialized, all open files are forgotten and left open, etc.

FCSCLS $A009 Close all open files

This routine allows user-written programs to close all open files without actually knowing which they are. If FCSCLS detects an error, then it prints error 13 (error in closing file), clears the Z bit in the condition code register, and returns with A5 pointing to the FCB which was being closed when the error was detected. When FCSCLS detects an error, it does not close the remaining files; hence its routine use to close files is not encouraged. Instead, users should close each file separately.

NOTE: Each of the following Group B. functions requires that the calling program must point A4 to the FCB to be operated on, and then do a call to the appropriate function specified below. If the operation is finished without error, then FCS returns with the Z bit set. If an error is detected, then the Z bit is cleared and the error code is in byte 1 of the FCB. If no error is detected, this byte is not necessarily 0, and should not be tested unless the Z bit indicates an error. The normal call to these functions is thus

LEA ______,A4 Point to the File Control Block
DC <function> Call FCS to perform operation
BNE ERROR Go process error if detected

Note that it is required that A4 point to the beginning of the FCB when FCS is called. Since the contents of A0 through A4, and D0 through D4, are preserved upon return from the FCS, A4 will still be pointing to the FCB upon return.

If the FCS is called with an unimplemented operation code, the FCS will print out an error message and return to SK*DOS.

The following descriptions include typical error codes that may be generated on specific operations. In addition, most of the operations may also result in disk read or write errors due to hardware problems.

In all cases, if no error occurs, then the FCS returns with the Z bit of the condition code register set. If an error does occur, then the Z bit is cleared and byte 1 of the FCB (as well as location ERRTYP) contains the code for the error that occurred. Error codes are listed in Appendix E.

FREAD $A001 Read the next byte from file
FWRITE $A002 Write the next byte to the file

Most FCS read or write operations are sequential; these functions are used to read or write the next sequential byte or character in the file. During a read, the next byte from the file is read from the sector currently in the FCB (using the data pointer in byte 49) and returned in D5, while during a write the character in D4 is written to the file. Since the file is read or written on the disk an entire sector at a time, this function actually buffers the data through the sector buffer (bytes 96- of the FCB). Hence no actual disk read or write will generally occur for most FREAD or FWRITE 0 calls. When an actual disk read or write is required, SK*DOS will handle that automatically without user intervention.

FOPENR $A005 Open a file for read

This function opens a file for reading. Before calling the FCS, the calling program must insert the drive number, name, and extension of the desired file into bytes 3 through 14 of the FCB. The FCS will take care of initializing all other parts of the FCB. If the requested file is not on the disk, the FCS will return error code 4 (file does not exist). When the FCS is finished opening the file, it prepares the file for sequential reading next, and assumes that space compression will be used.

FOPENW $A006 Open a file for write

This function opens a file for writing. Before calling the FCS, the calling program must insert the drive number, name, and extension of the desired file into bytes 3 through 14 of the FCB. The FCS will take care of initializing all other parts of the FCB. If the specified disk already has a file with the specified name, the FCS will return error code 3 (file already exists). This function opens a sequential file, but it may be changed to a random file by storing a non-zero number into byte 26 of the FCB after opening the file, but before writing any data into it. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

FOPENU $A007 Open a file for update

This function opens a random file for reading or updating. Once the file is open, you may do one of the following:

a. Use FRRECD to position to a particular sector of the file.

b. Use FRBACK to backup to the preceding sector.

c. Use FRGET to read a particular byte from the currently selected sector.

d. Use FRPUT to write a particular byte to the currently selected sector.

e. Use FREAD to sequentially read the sector, starting with the first. You may read as many bytes as there are in the file. (If executed after opening the file for update, FREAD will start reading at the beginning of the file.)

f. Use FRRECD to extend the file.

g. Use FCLOSE to close the file.

h. The only way to write past the end of a sector into the next sector is to use FRRECD to position to the next sector.

(See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

FCLOSE $A008 Close file

This function closes a file currently opened for reading, writing, or updating. No operation is performed on read files, or on write files which were never written to, other than removing them from the chain of file pointers. When a write file is closed, any data remaining in the data area of the FCB is written out to the disk, and both the directory and the file sector map are updated to indicate the correct track and sector numbers of the last sector and the file size. The system information sector (SIS) on track 0 sector 3 is also updated. When a random file open for updating is closed, the current sector is written out to disk if data has actually been written to it.

FREWIN $A00A Rewind file

This function can only be performed on a file which is open for reading, and will result in Error 1 (FCS function code error) if attempted on a file open for writing. The Rewind function is used to start reading a file from the very beginning, and is equivalent to closing the file and then immediately opening it for reading again.

DIROPN $A00B Open directory file

This function prepares the current FCB to read directory entries with DSREAD. Before using this function, the calling program should place the drive number into byte 3 of the FCB; no other initialization is required. This function does not actually do any reading, but merely prepares the FCB for a subsequent read with DSREAD. It is primarily used by the FCS itself, and will not usually be used by user programs.

SISOPN $A00C Open system information sector

This function prepares the current FCB to read the SIS with DSREAD. Before using this function, the calling program should place the drive number into byte 3 of the FCB; no other initialization is required. This function does not actually do any reading, but merely prepares the FCB for a subsequent read with DSREAD. It is primarily used by the FCS itself, and will not usually be used by user programs.

DSREAD $A00D Read directory or system information sector

This function must be preceded by either DIROPN (open directory) or SISOPN (open system information sector) and reads the first (or next) entry in the directory or SIS, respectively, into the first 96 bytes of the FCB (it also reads the entire sector into the sector buffer area of the FCB). When used on the SIS, only one read should be performed since only one entry exists in the SIS; when used on the directory, up to ten reads can be performed on any one sector since there are ten directory entries per sector. Upon the eleventh read, DSREAD will automatically read the next sector of the directory. Error 8 (input past end of file) will be returned at the end of the directory. Note that all entries are read, even deleted entries (indicated by a $FF as the first character of the file name) or unused entries (indicated by a 00 as the first character.)

DSWRIT $A00E Write directory or SIS entry

This function writes a directory or SIS entry from the first 96 bytes of an FCB back into its appropriate position in the sector buffer, and then writes the sector buffer back to the disk. Because of the need to properly set up a number of pointers, this function should only be used after DSREAD, which in turn should only be used after DIROPN or SISOPN.

FDELET $A00F Delete a file

This function deletes a file name from the directory and returns its used sectors to the chain of free sectors maintained in the System Information Sector (track 0 sector 3). Before using this function, the calling program must place the drive number, file name, and file extension of the desired file into bytes 3 through 14 of the FCB. It returns error 4 if the file name is not found, along with the Z bit of the condition code register cleared.

FRENAM $A010 Rename a file

This function renames an existing file; before calling the FCS, the user's program must place the old file specification into bytes 3 through 14 of the FCB, and the new name and extension into bytes 52-62 of the FCB (temporary name buffer 2). If there is an error, the Z bit is cleared and the FCS returns one of the following codes in byte 1 of the FCB: error 4 (old file does not exist), or error 3 (new file name already exists).

FSKIP $A011 Skip current sector

This function skips the current sector and goes to the next sector of the current file. When a file is being read, the FCS simply skips the remaining data in the current sector and prepares to read the next sector. On writing, the FCS fills the remainder of the current sector with zeroes, writes it out to the disk, and prepares to write into the next sector; if, however, the FCS is already pointing to a new sector (but has not yet written into it) then this function is ignored.

FRRECD $A014 Select a specified random sector

This function allows you to select a specified random sector of a random file. This function can only be used after an existing random file is opened for update with FOPENU. To use this function code, place the two-byte sector number of the desired sector into bytes 78 and 79 of the FCB and and then call the FCS. If the desired sector number is 0, then the first sector of the file map will be read; if the desired sector number is larger than the current size of the file, the file will be extended so that the desired sector is the last sector in the file, and all new sectors will be filled with zeroes. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

FRBACK $A015 Backup to previous sector

This function allows you to backup to the previous random sector of a random file. Read the description of FRRECD, as this function is similar. You cannot backup from sector 1 (the first data sector of the file) back to sector 0 (the first file map sector), and any attempt to do so will generate error 24 (invalid sector number). (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

FRGET $A016 Read a random byte

This function allows you to read a specified random byte from a random file currently opened for update. To select the byte, place its number, a value from 4 to 256, into byte 51 of the FCB. (Note that there are only 252 data bytes per sector, and they are numbered from 4 through 256.) The byte will then be read from the currently selected sector. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

FRPUT $A017 Write a random byte

This function allows you to write a specified random byte to a random file currently opened for updating. To select the byte, place its number, a value from 4 to 256, into byte 51 of the FCB. (Note that there are only 252 data bytes per sector, and they are numbered from 4 through 256.) The byte will then be written to the currently selected sector. (See Chapter 13 for further information on random files.)

SREAD $A01C Read a single sector

This function provides direct access to the disk read routine. The user program must provide the drive number in byte 3 of the FCB, and the track and sector numbers in bytes 34-35. Upon exit, the data from the desired sector begins at byte 96 of the FCB. If an error is encountered, the Z bit of the condition code register is cleared and byte 1 of the FCB contains one of the following error codes: error 9 (disk read error), error 14 (disk seek error), or error 16 (drive not ready).

SWRITE $A01D Write a single sector

This operation provides direct access to the disk write routine. The user program must provide the drive number in byte 3 of the FCB, the track and sector numbers in bytes 34-35, and the data to be written beginning at byte 96 of the FCB. If an error is encountered, the Z bit of the condition code register is cleared and byte 1 of the FCB contains one of the following error codes: error 10 (disk write error), error 11 (write protected disk), error 14 (disk seek error), error 16 (drive not ready), or error 29 (disk verify error).

FDRIVE $A01A Find next drive number

This function is used to find the next available drive number. On entry, you must place either the number $FF or a valid drive number into byte 3 (the drive number byte) of the FCB. The FCS will then return with the next available drive number. The FCS will start with the next higher drive number; since $FF is equivalent to -1, entering with this value will start with drive 0. Searching will continue up until the current value of MAXDRV; if no ready drive is found, the FCS will return error 16 (drive not ready) in byte 1 of the FCB and also set the carry bit; otherwise the carry bit is cleared.

DIREST $A026 Disk Restore

This function does a restore on the drive pointed to by the drive number in the current FCB; that is, the head on the current drive is retracted to track 0. This function is only implemented for the floppy disk, and is used specifically by the FORMAT routine; it should not be used by any other programs.

DISEEK $A027 Disk Seek

This function causes the drive indicated in the current FCB to seek (i.e., move the head to) the `current track number' given in the FCB. No checking is actually done, other than checking that the drive number is valid. This function is only implemented for the floppy disk, and is used specifically by the FORMAT routine; it should not be used by any other programs.


Many of the SK*DOS variables are of use to a programmer writing programs to run under SK*DOS. These variables are of two types:

1. User variables which are often needed by application programs running under SK*DOS. These are described in this Chapter.

2. System variables which are generally needed only by systems programmers implementing SK*DOS on a new system, or modifying major operating parameters. A few of these are described in Chapter 13, but most such variables are described in the optional Configuration Manual, not in this Users' Manual.

The precise location of User variables may change between various versions of SK*DOS. Any call to an SK*DOS function, however, returns in A6 a pointer to the beginning of this variable area. In particular, the call to VPOINT (see Chapter 10) specifically exists to return the address of this variable area in A6. Each of the locations described below can be referenced using indexed addressing with reference to A6. This may be done either by referring to the numeric offset given in the descriptions below, or by using the SKEQUATE file on your SK*DOS disk as a library file in your assembly language programs as follows:

LIB  SKEQUATE   include as library
You may then refer to variables by their symbolic name. For example, the following two lines are equivalent:
 LEA  0(A6),A4       Uses absolute offset

 LEA  USRFCB(A6),A4  Uses offset defined in SKEQUATE
NOTE: In the following, the abbreviation DN stands for Device Number, and is used for those variables whose addresses are different for different devices. For example, PLINES is listed as 3322+80*DN(A6). For device number 0, the address is 3322(A6); for device 1 it is 3322+80*1(A6), or 3402(A6), and so on.

USRFCB 0(A6) User FCB (608 bytes)

This area is an FCB which is used by SK*DOS for its own internal operations. This is done in such a way, however, that other programs which require an FCB can also use this 'user' FCB without interfering with SK*DOS. This can save the effort of having to declare memory for a separate FCB. (As mentioned earlier, the USRFCB is 608 bytes long although at this time only 352 bytes are actually used. The extra 256 bytes are left for future expansion.)

LINBUF 608(A6) Line buffer (128 bytes)

The line buffer is a 128-byte buffer which is used by SK*DOS for holding and processing commands. It is, however, also accessible to user programs through the INLINE routine (which enters text from the keyboard into the buffer) and the GETNXT, GETNAM, and other routines (which take data from the buffer). In particular, note that whenever a user program is called from the keyboard while in SK*DOS, any remaining text entered after the program name in the command line is still in the line buffer, and may be recovered by the user program. For example, when the LIST program is called from the keyboard with a
command, when the LIST program begins, the line buffer pointer LPOINT points to the first letter of the word TEXT. The LIST program can access the name with several subroutines, such as GETNAM. This is a convenient way of getting and passing arguments to programs directly from the command line.

BACKSC 736(A6) Backspace character ($08)
DELETC 737(A6) Delete character ($18) 
ENDLNC 738(A6) End of line character ($3A) 
ESCAPC 746(A6) Escape char ($1B) 
REPEAC 749(A6) Repeat character ($01)

These locations contain the backspace character ($08 or control H), delete character ($18 or control X), end of line character ($3A or colon), escape ($1B), and repeat ($01 or control-A), respectively. These locations are used by SK*DOS in console input routines, and can be changed by user programs or the DOSPARAM command. The DELETC character may be used to delete an entire line and return to the beginning, while the ENDLNC character, normally a colon, is accepted much the same as a carriage return ($0D) as an end-of-command delimiter. The ENDLNC character, however, can also be used to separate multiple commands on one line. The ESCAPC character is used to halt output to the terminal. Output may be restarted with another ESCAPC, or else may be aborted with a carriage return (not ENDLNC). The REPEAC character, normally $01 or Control-A, is used to repeat the last-used console command.

PLINES 3322+80*DN(A6) Number of printed lines per page
SLINES 3325+80*DN(A6) Number of skipped lines be- tween pages

These two locations are initialized by SK*DOS at 0, which disables them. If PLINES is non-zero, then output to the terminal will stop after PLINES continuous lines of output, skip SLINES blank lines, and then continue. A typical application is to make PLINES equal to a decimal 56, and make SLINES equal to a decimal 10, for paged output to a printer. Printed output would then have 56 continuous lines of print, and 10 skipped lines which step over the perforation between pages. These constants may be changed with the DOSPARAM command.

PAUSEB 3326+80*DN(A6) Output pause control byte

If PAUSEB is non-zero, and PLINES is non-zero, then terminal output will pause after each PLINES lines, and resume when the escape key is pressed on the keyboard. PAUSEB is normally initialized at $FF, thereby enabling the pause, but since PLINES defaults to 0, no pause actually takes place.

PWIDTH 3323+80*DN(A6) Page column width

This byte is used to control the page width of output to the terminal or printer. When output goes to the right of the PWIDTH column on the terminal or printer, SK*DOS will issue a carriage return / line feed at the next space character. PWIDTH may be set with the DOSPARAM command. SK*DOS normally initializes PWIDTH to 0, which disables it. To use PWIDTH, you should set it to a value approximately 10 less than the actual screen or paper width, so as to leave room for any long words at the end of the current line. (PWIDTH works in conjunction with the OCOLUM and SPECIO variables described below.)

SPECIO 792(A6) Special I/O Indicator

When SPECIO is nonzero, the PWIDTH value is ignored. SPECIO is initialized to zero at warm-start, and by RESIO.

OCOLUM 3328+80*DN(A6) Current output column

This byte indicates the current output column on the terminal or printer. It is used with the PWIDTH variable, and reset to 0 at the start of every line, or by printing any control character.

NULLWT 3324+80*DN(A6) Null wait constant

Some terminals or printers make errors if a carriage return or line feed character is immediately followed by printable characters. In that case, NULLWT may be used to insert a short delay. It is normally initialized to 00 or no delay, but may be changed by the user (via the DOSPARAM command). The wait delay depends on the CPU clock speed, but is approximately equal to 0.01 second times the value of NULLWT.

SYSDIR 744(A6) System default directory
WRKDIR 745(A6) Working default directory

Both of these locations are initialized at 0. They are used as default directories. SYSDIR is used as the default for loading any disk-resident command, while WRKDIR is used as a general default by the GETNAM routine whenever a directory is not specified as part of a file spec. A value of 0 refers to the main or root directory, while values of $41 through $5A refer to subdirectories A/ through Z/ (since these are the ASCII equivalents for the letters A - Z.)

SYSTDR 747(A6) System default drive
WORKDR 748(A6) Working default drive

Both of these locations are initialized at 0. They are used as default drive numbers. SYSTDR is used as the default for loading any disk-resident command, while WORKDR is used as a general default by the GETNAM routine whenever a drive number is not specified as part of a file spec.

CMONTH 750(A6) Current date - month
CDAY 751(A6) Current date - day 
CYEAR 752(A6) Current date - year

The above three locations hold the month, day, and year entered from the keyboard when SK*DOS is first cold started. This date is used by SK*DOS when writing files on the disk, and may also be accessed or changed by user programs. All three bytes are binary numbers, and CYEAR contains only the last two digits of the year; for example, in 1990 the registers contain 90, or a hexadecimal $5A.

LASTRM 753(A6) Last terminator

This byte contains the last terminator encountered by the GETNXT routine from the line input buffer.

COMTAB 754-757(A6) Pointer to command table (long word)

SK*DOS contains several memory-resident commands (such as XEQ and GET); users may add additional memory-resident commands, and let SK*DOS know about them via COMTAB by putting into COMTAB a pointer to a table which lists the added commands. This table is searched by SK*DOS after its own command table, but before it looks for disk resident commands. Each entry in the user command table should consist of (a) the command name of up to eight letters (with no extension), (b) a zero byte to signal the end of the name, and (c) a four-byte address pointing to the command program. An extra zero byte at the very end signals the end of the table. The command should end with either an RTS or DC WARMST.

LPOINT 758-761(A6) Pointer to line buffer (long word)

LPOINT points to the next character to be obtained from the line buffer. When the buffer is first filled (with INLINE), LPOINT points to the first character in the buffer. Each time another character is obtained from the buffer, LPOINT is incremented so that it points to the next byte. When the pointer gets to the CR code at the end of the line, it then remains pointing to the CR. When an entire name or number is fetched from the buffer, such as by GETNAM, then at the end of the routine LPOINT points to the first character past the delimiter (such as a space or comma), or to the delimiter itself (if CR).

BREAKA 762-765(A6) Break (Escape) address (long word)

As indicated earlier, terminal output can be interrupted by pressing the ESC key, at which time SK*DOS waits for a second character. If the next character is again an ESC, then output resumes; if the second character is a carriage return ($0D) character, then SK*DOS aborts the program. This return is handled through the return address in BREAKA, which is initialized <+>to point to WARMST. User programs may also use BREAKA to return to SK*DOS in that way. More commonly, user programs may store a different address in BREAKA to force a return elsewhere when the return key is pressed.

CURRCH 766(A6) Last character read from buffer
PREVCH 767(A6) Previous character read

As characters are fetched from the line buffer by SK*DOS routines (such as GETNXT), these two locations hold the latest character fetched (CURRCH) and the previous character fetched (PREVCH).

EXECFL 774(A6) Execution address flag

This location is non-zero when location EXECAD contains a valid execution address for a machine language program, and is zero when such a valid execution address does not exist. If a command such as XEQ is executed when there is no valid address, then SK*DOS will print error 28 (missing transfer address.)

EXECAD 776-779(A6) ML execution address (long word)

These four bytes hold the transfer address obtained when a machine language file is loaded from the disk (including the value of OFFSET, if used). This location is also used by the XEQ command to execute the last-loaded program.

ERRTYP 782(A6) Error type

This byte contains the number of the last error detected by the File Control System.

FOADDR 784-787(A6) File output address vector
FIADDR 788-791(A6) File input address vector

These two addresses are used for redirection of standard output or input, respectively. If they are zero, no redirection is done. If redirection is desired, then one (or both) of the above vectors may contain the address of an FCB currently open for writing or reading, respectively.

CMFLAG 793(A6) Command flag

This location indicates whether the Command Processor System is processing a keyboard command (when 0) or a command passed to it from a user program (when non-zero).

MEMEND 796-799(A6) Last usable memory address (long word)

When SK*DOS is initially booted, it does a memory test to determine how much memory is installed in the system, and then stores the address of the last memory location in MEMEND. OFFSET and MEMEND together therefore define the lower and upper limits, respectively, of free user memory. User programs can check these locations to determine how much user memory is available, or can change the contents to set aside memory for themselves.

ECHOFL 800(A6) Input echo flag

This location tells the character input routine whether to echo output to the output port. A non-zero value (initialized to $FF at warm-start) enables echo.

FNCASE 801(A6) File Name case flag

This location determines whether lower-case file names are allowed either as disk-resident command names, or as file names processed by the GETNAM function. The default value is $60, which allows only upper-case names (and lower-case names are automatically converted to upper case). Lower-case names will be allowed if FNCASE is changed to $FF.

MAXDRV 802(A6) Maximum drive number

This location is used to define the maximum drive number on the system. It is initialized to 03, and the maximum number it may have is 09. SK*DOS will return a drive number error whenever a drive number is specified in a file-spec which exceeds the value of MAXDRV. If your system has more than four drives, then MAXDRV should be increased correspondingly when the appropriate disk drivers are installed.

SEQNO 806(A6) Sequence Number

This byte holds the sequence number assigned to each file written. If the system does not contain a clock/calendar chip, then this number is written into the disk directory along with the date for the file; if a clock/calendar chip is interfaced to SK*DOS, then the sequence number is replaced by the time (although it is still calculated and stored in SEQNO.) Since the sequence number is just a single byte, it has a maximum value of 255; then it returns back to 0 and repeats its cycle.

ERRVEC 834(A6) Alternate ERRCODES.SYS vector

ERRVEC allows SK*DOS to get its error messages from a file other than ERRCODES.SYS. If this long-word contains 0, then the normal ERRCODES.SYS file is used; if it is non-zero, then it is assumed to hold a long-word address pointing to an 11-character file specification containing the name and extension of another file to be used. ERRVEC is initialized at 0 when SK*DOS is booted, but is not changed thereafter; hence user programs should be careful to restore it when they are finished using other error files.

DOSORG 838-841(A6) Absolute ORG of SK*DOS

DOSORG contains the actual starting address of SK*DOS in the current system. This information is primarily for systems programmers, as most users will have no need to know absolute memory addresses.

OFFSET 770-773(A6) Offset load address (long word)
OFFINI DOSORG+$18 Initial OFFSET value (long word)

The contents of OFFSET is added to the load address and transfer (or execution) address for all machine language programs loaded from disk by SK*DOS (unless LASTRM contains the ASCII code for a minus sign.) Programs are thus loaded into the address specified in the disk file only if OFFSET is 0 or if LASTRM contains a minus sign. Normally, OFFSET points just above SK*DOS, so that all user programs are loaded into free memory above SK*DOS. Such programs can be executed as long as they are written to be position independent. OFFSET and MEMEND together therefore define the lower and upper limits, respectively, of free user memory.

Since user programs may change OFFSET as they run (to load another program into memory above themselves, for example), SK*DOS resets OFFSET to the value stored in OFFINI each time it does a warm start (it actually sets OFFSET to the next 256-byte boundary above OFFINI to make OFFSET a more convenient number.) OFFSET is thus only a temporary value, valid for the duration of any given program; OFFINI is more permanent.

DEVIN 3274(A6) Current Input device
DEVOUT 3275(A6) Current Output device 
DEVERR 3276(A6) Current Error device

These three bytes specify the devices currently being used for input, output, and error displays. They default to device 0 for input and output, and device 1 for the error device, all of which are normally the default CONS console device. User programs can change DEVIN and DEVOUT to go to different devices, but DEVERR should usually remain so that error messages still go to the console.

DEVTAB 3278(A6) Device Descriptor Table

The device descriptor table provides information on currently installed devices; more information is found in Chapter 14.

BAUDRT 3329+80*DN(A6) Baud Rate/100

This byte specifies the baud rate for serial devices, and is not used for others. BAUDRT indicates the baud rate divided by 100; for example, a baud rate of 110 is shown as 01. If no baud rate is specified, the driver may use its own default value.

EOFILC 3330+80*DN(A6) End-Of-File Character

When a device rather than a file is used for input during input redirection, EOFILC defines which character will generate error 8 (end of file). The default is $1A, which is control-Z.

XOFFC 3331+80*DN(A6) X-Off Character
XONC 3332+80*DN(A6) X-On Character

These two bytes specify whether a serial port uses the X-On/X-Off protocol, and which characters it uses. When these characters are 0 (the default), then no X-On/X-Off is used. When they are set to other values (usually $13 or control-S for X-Off, and $11 or control-Q for X-On) then the port will immediately stop all output upon receipt of an X-Off, and will only resume upon receipt of an X-On. (Note that this is different from using ESCape to halt and resume output, since ESC only works for device 0.)


This section shows several examples of how to use SK*DOS in writing programs which access the disk.


The LIST program is one of the utilities supplied with SK*DOS. It is called with a command line which includes the name of the file to be listed after the word LIST, as in
The program reads the file name from the line buffer, opens the file, and reads and prints one character at a time. The following listing shows how this is done.
                        * LIST UTILITY FOR SK*DOS / 68K
                        * COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 BY PETER A. STARK
                        * EQUATES TO SK*DOS
              00000001  FCBERR  EQU      1               ERROR BYTE
              0000A024  DEFEXT  EQU      $A024           DEFAULT EXTENSION
              0000A008  FCLOSE  EQU      $A008           CLOSE A FILE
              0000A005  FOPENR  EQU      $A005           OPEN FILE FOR READ
              0000A001  FREAD   EQU      $A001           READ NEXT BYTE
              0000A023  GETNAM  EQU      $A023           GET FILE NAME
              0000A034  PCRLF   EQU      $A034           PRINT CR/LF
              0000A037  PERROR  EQU      $A037           PRINT ERROR MSG
              0000A033  PUTCH   EQU      $A033           OUTPUT NEXT CHAR
              0000A01E  WARMST  EQU      $A01E           RETURN TO SK*DOS
000000                          ORG      $0000
000000 6002     }000004 LIST    BRA.S    START           GO TO START
000002 0100             VER     DC.W     $0100           VERSION NUMBER
                        * START OF ACTUAL PROGRAM
000004 A034             START   DC       PCRLF           START ON NEW LINE
000006 4201                     CLR.B    D1              PREV CHAR WAS NONE
000008 204E                     MOVE.L   A6,A0           SAVE POINTER
00000A 284E                     MOVE.L   A6,A4           POINT TO USER FCB
00000C A023                     DC       GETNAM          GET FILE SPEC
00000E 640C     }00001C         BCC.S    NAMEOK          IF FILE NAME OK
000010 197C 0015 0001           MOVE.B   #21,FCBERR(A4)  ELSE IT'S ERR 21
                        * ERROR ROUTINE
000016 A037             ERROR   DC       PERROR          PRINT ERROR CODE
000018 6142     }00005C         BSR.S    CLOSE           CLOSE THE FILE
00001A A01E                     DC       WARMST          RETURN TO SK*DOS
                        * FILE SPEC WAS OK; DEFAULT TO .TXT
00001C 183C 0001        NAMEOK  MOVE.B   #1,D4           DEFAULT EXT
000020 A024                     DC       DEFEXT          DEFAULT TO .TXT
                        * NOW ACTUALLY OPEN THE FILE
000022 A005                     DC       FOPENR          OPEN FOR READ
000024 66F0     }000016         BNE.S    ERROR           IF NOT ZERO
000026 2848             MAIN    MOVE.L   A0,A4           POINT TO SYS FCB
000028 A001                     DC       FREAD           GO READ NEXT CHAR
00002A 670C     }000038         BEQ.S    CHAROK          GO ON IF NO ERROR
                        * IF THERE WAS AN ERROR, SEE IF END OF FILE
00002C 0C2C 0008 0001           CMP.B    #8,FCBERR(A4)   END OF FILE?
000032 66E2     }000016         BNE.S    ERROR           NOT END OF FILE
000034 6126     }00005C         BSR.S    CLOSE           CLOSE ON EOF
000036 A01E                     DC       WARMST          RETURN TO SK*DOS
                        * CONTINUE IF CHARACTER IS OK
000038 0C05 000A        CHAROK  CMP.B    #$0A,D5         IS IT LINE FEED?
00003C 660A     }000048         BNE.S    PRNTIT          NO, PRINT IT
00003E 1C01                     MOVE.B   D1,D6           YES, GET PREV
000040 1205                     MOVE.B   D5,D1           SAVE CURRENT
000042 0C06 000D                CMP.B    #$0D,D6         WAS PREV A CR?
000046 67DE     }000026         BEQ.S    MAIN            YES, SO SWALLOW IT
000048 1205             PRNTIT  MOVE.B   D5,D1           SAVE CHARACTER
00004A 1805                     MOVE.B   D5,D4           READY FOR PRINTING
00004C A033                     DC       PUTCH           AND PRINT IT
00004E 0C04 000D                CMP.B    #$0D,D4         WAS IT RETURN?
000052 66D2     }000026         BNE.S    MAIN            NO, SO CONTINUE
000054 183C 000A                MOVE.B   #$0A,D4
000058 A033                     DC       PUTCH           ADD LINE FEED
00005A 60CA     }000026         BRA.S    MAIN            AND ALSO CONTINUE
                        * CLOSE SUBROUTINE
00005C 2848             CLOSE   MOVE.L   A0,A4           POINT TO FCB
00005E A008                     DC       FCLOSE          CLOSE FILE
000060 4E75                     RTS                      RETURN
                                END      LIST
The above example shows a variety of techniques. Note especially how it checks for the end of file. When the read routine detects an error, the error code is fetched from byte 1 of the FCB and examined. If it is an 8 (end of file), then the program simply finishes up. If it is any other error, then it goes to an error routine.

Note also that the program is ORG'ed at $0000. When loaded, however, it will be relocated upward by the current value of OFFSET, so that it resides in memory just above SK*DOS.


The following example shows how to open a file for writing and actually proceed to write into it.
                        * BUILD UTILITY FOR SK*DOS / 68K
                        * COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 BY PETER A. STARK
                        * EQUATES TO SK*DOS
              00000001  FCBERR  EQU      1               ERROR BYTE
              000002F6  LPOINT  EQU      $2F6            LINE BUFR PTR
              0000A024  DEFEXT  EQU      $A024           DEFAULT EXTENSION
              0000A009  FCSCLS  EQU      $A009           CLOSE ALL FILES
              0000A00F  FDELET  EQU      $A00F           DELETE A FILE
              0000A006  FOPENW  EQU      $A006           OPEN FOR WRITE
              0000A002  FWRITE  EQU      $A002           WRITE A BYTE
              0000A029  GETCH   EQU      $A029           GET CHAR
              0000A023  GETNAM  EQU      $A023           GET FILE NAME
              0000A02C  INLINE  EQU      $A02C           INPUT TEXT LINE
              0000A037  PERROR  EQU      $A037           PRINT ERROR MSG
              0000A035  PSTRNG  EQU      $A035           CR/LF AND STRING
              0000A000  VPOINT  EQU      $A000           PT TO VAR AREA
              0000A01E  WARMST  EQU      $A01E           WARM START
000000                          ORG      $0000
000000 6002     }000004 BUILD   BRA.S    START
000002 0100                     DC.W     $0100           VERSION
                        * ACTUAL START OF PROGRAM
000004 A000             START   DC       VPOINT          GET POINTER
000006 204E                     MOVE.L   A6,A0           SAVE POINTER
000008 284E                     MOVE.L   A6,A4           POINT TO SYS FCB
00000A A023                     DC       GETNAM          GET FILE SPEC
00000C 652E     }00003C         BCS.S    ERROR           ON ERROR
                        * IF NAME WAS OK, DO DEFAULT EXTENSION
00000E 183C 0001                MOVE.B   #1,D4           CODE FOR DEFAULT
000012 A024                     DC       DEFEXT          GO DEFAULT IT
                        * NOW OPEN FILE FOR WRITE
000014 A006             OPEN    DC       FOPENW          OPEN FILE
000016 662A     }000042         BNE.S    OPENNG          IF ERROR
000018 49FA 005C}000076 NXTLIN  LEA      PROMPT(PC),A4   PRINT PERIOD
00001C A035                     DC       PSTRNG          PRINT IT
00001E A02C                     DC       INLINE          INPUT A LINE
000020 2668 02F6                MOVE.L   LPOINT(A0),A3   POINT TO NEXT
000024 181B                     MOVE.B   (A3)+,D4        GET CHAR
000026 0C04 0023                CMP.B    #$23,D4         CHECK FOR #
00002A 6712     }00003E         BEQ.S    QUIT            YES, SO GO QUIT
00002C 2848                     MOVE.L   A0,A4           POINT TO FCB
00002E A002             NEXTL1  DC       FWRITE          GO OUTPUT CHAR
000030 660A     }00003C         BNE.S    ERROR           ON ERROR
000032 0C04 000D                CMP.B    #$0D,D4         END OF LINE?
000036 67E0     }000018         BEQ.S    NXTLIN          YES, START LINE
000038 181B                     MOVE.B   (A3)+,D4        GET CHAR
00003A 60F2     }00002E         BRA.S    NEXTL1          AND REPEAT
                        * PROCESS ERRORS
00003C A037             ERROR   DC       PERROR
00003E A009             QUIT    DC       FCSCLS
000040 A01E                     DC       WARMST
                        * ERROR HANDLING ON OPENING FILE
000042 0C2C 0003 0001   OPENNG  CMP.B    #3,FCBERR(A4)   ALREADY EXISTS?
000048 66F2     }00003C         BNE.S    ERROR           NO, REAL ERROR
                        * IF FILE EXISTS, DELETE IT?
00004A 49FA 002C}000078         LEA      ASKDEL(PC),A4
00004E A035                     DC       PSTRNG          ASK TO DELETE
000050 A029                     DC       GETCH           GET ANSWER
000052 0205 00DF                AND.B    #$DF,D5         CVT TO UPPER CASE
000056 0C05 0059                CMP.B    #$59,D5         IS IT YES?
00005A 66E2     }00003E         BNE.S    QUIT            QUIT IF NOT
00005C 49FA 0052}0000B0         LEA      ASKSUR(PC),A4
000060 A035                     DC       PSTRNG          ASK IF HE'S SURE
000062 A029                     DC       GETCH           GET ANSWER
000064 0205 00DF                AND.B    #$DF,D5         CVT TO UPPER CASE
000068 0C05 0059                CMP.B    #$59,D5         IS IT YES?
00006C 66D0     }00003E         BNE.S    QUIT            QUIT IF NOT
                        * DELETE FILE IF OK WITH USER
00006E 2848                     MOVE.L   A0,A4           POINT TO FCB
000070 A00F                     DC       FDELET          DELETE THE FILE
000072 66C8     }00003C         BNE.S    ERROR           ON ERROR
000074 609E     }000014         BRA      OPEN            OPEN FILE AGAIN
                        * TEXT STRINGS
000076 2E               PROMPT  DC.B     "."
000077 04                       DC.B     4
000078 5448 4154 2046   ASKDEL  DC.B     "THAT FILE ALREADY EXISTS ...
                                              DO YOU WISH TO DELETE IT? "
0000AF 04                       DC.B     4
0000B0 4152 4520 594F   ASKSUR  DC.B     "ARE YOU SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO? "
0000D1 04                       DC.B     4
                                END      BUILD
Although it is not immediately obvious from the above examples, all user-written programs must be written in position - independent code (although see the description of the binary file format in Chapter 13 for possible exceptions.) To write position - independent programs for 68xxx processors, generally follow the following rules:

1. Do not use JMP and JSR instructions - use BRA and BSR instead. In general, there should be no JMPs or JSRs in your programs at all.

2. Refer to variables within your program using PC-relative addressing. For example, the instruction MOVE.B NUMBER(PC),D4 would move the quantity NUMBER into D4, but the (PC) tells the assembler to use PC-relative addressing. Unfortunately, the 68xxx does not allow PC-relative addressing as a destination; that is, the instruction MOVE.B D4,NUMBER(PC) is illegal. Hence this instruction has to be replaced by a two-instruction sequence such as

   MOVE.B D4,(A5)
While this adds an extra instruction every time you store to a local variable, we suggest that you avoid the alternative shortcut of setting one address register to point to your data area and then doing all stores relative to that register. Although this makes your program a bit shorter and faster, it generates code which causes PICTEST to signal an error even though there is none. (PICTEST, explained later in the manual, is used to check a program to make sure it is position independent.)

NOTE to non - assembly language users: The assembly language examples in this chapter are intended only as guides for those users who intend to write their own assembly language programs. If you wish to try them out, proceed as follows: (1) Type the command EDLIN SAMPLE to edit a sample file. (2) When EDLIN returns with a # prompt, give it the I command to start inserting text. (3) Enter the LIST program (the first program in this chapter). Examine the listing to note that the first line of the program begins with an asterisk; type in only the material to the right of that column. For example, begin the first line with * LIST ...; begin the 7th line with FCBERR EQU ... (4) When you finish typing in the program, enter a # at the beginning of a new line, and then use the S command to exit EDLIN. (5) Give the command ASM SAMPLE to assemble the sample from assembly language to machine language. You will now see that the assembler added all of the machine language code which you did not type in. (6) Assuming there are no errors (correct the program if there are), then give the command SAMPLE SAMPLE. The computer will then use the SAMPLE.COM file generated by the assembler to print out the SAMPLE.TXT file you typed. SAMPLE.COM does exactly the same thing as the LIST command supplied with SK*DOS, except that it does not have the 'help' feature.


This chapter gives additional information for systems or advanced programmers. It describes the disk format, structure of files, and information regarding customization.


A typical disk, whether hard or floppy, is divided into tracks; each track is then divided into sectors. The number of tracks and sectors on a disk depends on the type of disk and drive - a 5-1/4" floppy disk might have as few as 35 tracks with 10 sectors per track, or a Winchester hard disk might have as many as 256 tracks with 32 or more sectors per track. In addition, the disk drive might be able to use both sides of a disk, or a Winchester disk might have multiple disks spinning on the same shaft.

As far as SK*DOS is concerned, the exact number of sides, tracks and sectors is unimportant as long as there are at most 256 logical tracks (numbered 0 through 255) per drive and 256 logical sectors (numbered 0 through 255) per track. (For compatibility with 6809 SK*DOS, sector numbering begins with 1 for floppy disks.)

The exact positioning of those sectors and tracks is controlled by the disk drivers and FORMAT routine, not by SK*DOS itself. On floppy disks, the physical placement of these tracks and sectors on the disk would most likely agree with their logical numbering; on hard disks they might physically be placed elsewhere on the disk. That is why the previous paragraph uses the word logical in describing track and sector number - a logical address is where SK*DOS thinks the sector is located; the physical address is the actual location on the disk where the disk drivers place it.

Depending on the system, SK*DOS floppy disks may be either single- or double density, and single- or double-sided. In addition, double-density disks may have either a single- or double-density directory track. As long as disks are used only on a single system, the particular floppy disk format is not important.

Standard SK*DOS / 68K disks will generally be double density throughout, and may be single or double-sided. Disks intended to be interchanged with 6809 SK*DOS systems, however, should be formatted and used in single-density, single-sided format, since 6809 SK*DOS requires that track 0 always be in single density.

Each sector of an SK*DOS disk contains 256 bytes of data. Of these 256 bytes, the first four are used for system information, and the remaining 252 bytes are usable for file data.

SK*DOS uses a linked-chain disk format. That is, the sectors used in files, as well as sectors which are in the so-called free chain are linked to each other much like the links in a chain. Each sector contains a two-byte pointer which points to the next sector in that chain (unless it is 0, which indicates the end of that chain.) This pointer occupies the first two bytes of every sector. In addition, the sector also has a number, which occupies the third and fourth byte, and which counts the sectors within a file.

Thus the sector format looks like this:

Bytes 1 and 2 pointer to next sector
Bytes 3 and 4 sector counter
Bytes 5 through 256 252 bytes of data

Some sectors have a slightly different format, and may omit the pointer or sector counter.

All the tracks on a disk can be used for storing data and program files except for track 0. The sectors on this track have special uses as follows:

Sector 1 on track 0 holds the super-boot program. This is a program which is loaded by the boot program in the system ROM monitor, and which in turn loads the rest of SK*DOS into memory. (This sector has 256 bytes of data, as the first four bytes of the sector are used for regular data storage rather than being used as pointer and sector count bytes.) On some systems, the boot procedure may be different, and so this sector may not be needed on those systems.

Sector 2 is often empty. It has been set aside as an extension of sector 1 in case more than 256 bytes are needed for booting.

Sector 3 is the System Information Sector or SIS. It contains the disk name and number, the date when the disk was formatted, the number of tracks and sectors on the disk, and three pieces of information about the free sector chain on the disk: the track and sector numbers of the first sector in the chain, the track and sector numbers of the last sector in the chain, and the total number of sectors in the chain.

Sector 4 is usually empty, although the COPY utility places a copy of the SIS into this sector to verify that the disk is available for writing.

Sector 5 begins the directory, which extends to the last sector of track 0. Each directory entry requires 24 bytes, so there is room for 10 entries in each sector with 16 bytes empty. For example, on a 5-14" single density, single sided disk, there are 10 sectors in track 0. Hence there are six sectors in the directory, numbered from 5 to 10, for a total of 60 directory entries. The six sectors are linked (through the first two bytes in each sector, and the last sector has a pointer of 00-00. When the directory is filled up, however, SK*DOS will take a sector from the free chain and add it to the directory, so that the directory can be expanded to make room for more entries (although this may greatly slow down the operation of the system if the added directory sector is on one of the inner tracks of the disk since the disk head will have to step in and out each time it accesses the directory.)


Most SK*DOS files are of the sequential type (as opposed to random files, discussed next). Sequential files are intended to be read in order, from beginning to end. Such files generally are of two types - text or binary.

Text File Format

SK*DOS text files consist simply of ASCII text, usually separated into lines of text by CR ($0D) characters; LF characters ($0A) are not included. Most text files use space compression, where two or more consecutive spaces are instead replaced by the TAB character ($09), followed by a byte representing a space count between 2 and 127, inclusive. Strings of spaces of length greater than 127 are broken up into smaller pieces, each of length 127 or less.

No special character is used to denote the end of text, although the last line of text will generally end with a CR. Any space remaining in the last sector of a text file is filled with NULL ($00) bytes. When SK*DOS reads a space-compressed file, it does not return any NULL characters to the calling program; hence it will generate an end-of-file error immediately after the last character of the text.

Text files may consist of any characters except for NULL ($00) and TAB ($09).

Binary File Format

SK*DOS binary files are non-space-compressed files which contain binary data along with additional information which specifies where in memory that data is to be loaded and/or executed.

A typical binary file will generally consist of several segments, each of which begins with an identification byte which describes what the segment consists of. There are ten such identification bytes:

$02 marks the beginning of a relatively short segment containing binary data to be loaded into memory. The $02 is followed by a two-byte load address, a one-byte count which specifies how many bytes are to be loaded, and a number of bytes equal to the count. The count is a number between 1 and 255, and the load address is a number between $0000 and $FFFF. During loading, SK*DOS adds the current value of OFFSET to load addresses specified in the file (unless the - option is used in the command line).

$03 is similar to $02 in that it also marks the beginning of data to be loaded into memory, but it is followed by a four-byte load address and a two-byte count. It is therefore used for memory addresses above $FFFF, or for loading data longer than 255 bytes (although such data is often split into a number of shorter $02 segments.) As with the $02 segment, SK*DOS adds the current value of OFFSET to load addresses specified in the file (unless the - option is used in the command line).

$16 marks the beginning of a two-byte transfer address; that is, the address where the file just loaded should be executed. The current value of OFFSET is added to the address specified in the file.

$17 marks the beginning of a four-byte transfer address, used if the transfer address is above $FFFF. The current value of OFFSET is added to the address specified in the file.

$04, $05, $18, and $19 are similar to $02, $03, $16, and $17, respectively, except that the current value of OFFSET is NOT added to the specified address in the file. Note, however, that load addresses are still checked against OFFSET and MEMEND limits unless the GETX command is used (see the descriptions of GET and GETX later in this manual). These four codes are provided for special applications, and should not normally be used as they may cause the system to crash in future multi-tasking versions of SK*DOS.

$0F and $10 are special codes used for programs which are not written in the normal position independent code (PIC). They are used to allow SK*DOS to modify an address while loading a position - dependent program. The $0F is to be followed by a single word address (relative to OFFSET), and the $10 is to be followed by a single long-word address (relative to OFFSET), which specifies the address of a long-word address which is to be modified by adding the current value of OFFSET to it. For example, suppose the current value of OFFSET is $5000 and the disk file contains the sequence $0F 12 34 or the sequence $10 00 00 12 34. Either of these two segments tells SK*DOS to add $5000 to the contents of address $6234 (which is presumed to have been previously loaded.) This code would normally be used only with assemblers or compilers which generate non - position - independent code.

With one exception, all of the loading and transfer addresses referred to above are merely relative addresses; they are added to the current value of OFFSET (see Chapter 11) when used. For example, if OFFSET currently has a value of $5000, and a file has a loading address of $1000 and a transfer address of $1004, then it will actually be loaded into memory at $6000 and executed starting at $6004. The exception is SK*DOS itself. Since SK*DOS is loaded by the bootstrap program at a time when OFFSET has not yet been defined, it contains absolute loading and transfer addresses rather than relative ones. Hence you can determine the absolute address where your SK*DOS is loaded into memory by examining the SK*DOS.SYS (or SK*DOS.COR) file with the LOCATE command (using the - option so the OFFSET is not added by LOCATE). Since COLDST is located at the very beginning of SK*DOS, this method is also used to find the address of COLDST in your system.

Note that segments do not contain any kind of checksum; it is assumed that any disk errors will be caught by CRC or other error checking in the disk hardware or drivers. As in text files, the last segment of a binary file is generally followed by NULLs so as to fill out the last sector of a file.


The directory for each file only gives the track and sector numbers of the first and last sector of the file; it does not contain any information as to which other sectors the file uses. Since the sectors of a file need not necessarily be consecutive on the disk - they could lie anywhere on the disk if the disk has been much used and its free space is not all in one place - the file itself contains information linking one sector to the next. This is done by the first two bytes in each sector, which contain the track and sector number of the next sector in the file. In a sequential file, we normally start reading or writing at the beginning of a file and then continue through the file, following these two-byte links until we get to the end.

As pointed out earlier, the third and fourth bytes of a data sector contain a two-byte (four hex-digit) sector count which numbers the sectors of a file. For example, the first data sector of a file has the number 0001, the second is numbered 0002, and the seventh would be numbered 0007. Don't confuse these numbers with the physical location of the sector on the disk, which is sometimes called the sector's disk address, and which consists of a track number and a sector number. The sector count could be used to make sure we read the sectors of a file in the right order, but in practice is almost never used with sequential files. Though we have used the term sector count above, in the rest of this discussion we will simply call it the sector number. Some people also call it the record number, but this is a bit confusing since the word record can also be applied to a part of a sector.

Although sequential files are most common, we often need random or direct access files. These are files which allow us to read or write data in the middle of a file without necessarily reading or writing all the data before it. For example, at some point we might need to read data located in sector 0007, followed by sector 0104, followed by sector 0025, and so on. This is accomplished by the random file capabilities of SK*DOS.

In order to allow us to rapidly locate a particular sector number in a file, without reading all the sectors before it, SK*DOS provides for a special random file format which contains an extra two sectors. These two sectors, which are always at the very beginning of a random file, contain a file map of the file, which maps out the placement of the file on the disk and helps us to find a specific sector. These two sectors always have a sector number of 0000.

Thus the very first data sector of any file is always sector number 0001, but in a sequential file this is the first actual sector of a file, whereas in a random file it is actually the third sector. (If you try to do a sequential read of a random file, SK*DOS skips the first two sectors and so you will never know they are there.)

Few application programs actually need random files, but if they do, they will take care of generating and manipulating them automatically, through SK*DOS. Nevertheless, here is information on how this is done.

There is only one way to generate a random file:

1. Open a file for writing with FOPENW.

2. After opening, but before writing anything to it, change byte 26 of the FCB to a non-zero number.

3. Now write sequentially to the file using FWRITE.

4. When done, close the file with FCLOSE.

SK*DOS will automatically put a two-sector file map at the beginning of the file, and will update it as data is written to the file. Note that the file map is customized for the particular placement of the file sectors on the disk. If you copy a file from one disk to another, the two file map sectors will be different since the copy will most likely be in a different place on the disk. But you need not concern yourself with this since SK*DOS does this automatically.

Once the file is written, it can be read or updated (the data in it can be modified), or lengthened. But random files are usually made oversize to begin with, so there is room for adding more data at a later time without increasing the file size later.

The file can be read sequentially just like any sequential file. If it is opened (with FOPENR) and then read (with FREAD), it will look like any sequential file, since SK*DOS will automatically skip the file map sectors and read only the data sectors.

Things are a bit more complex - and interesting - if the file is opened for updating. We now have a number of options, which are listed in the description of the Open for Update operation, FOPENU. The most important concept is that, by use of FRRECD, we can locate any sector number (that is, a sector with a desired sector count) in the file in a short time. For example, we can tell SK*DOS to read sector number 0104 of a file. Given a sector number, SK*DOS will look it up in the file map, calculate the exact location of that sector, and then go directly to it.

Once we have located the specific sector, we can specify an exact byte of that sector, and either read it (with FRGET) or write it (with FRPUT). Knowing that there are 252 data bytes in each sector, we could thus locate any particular byte in a file after some fairly simple calculations. For example, to locate byte N in a file, we could use the following two BASIC lines:

Sector number  =  INT(N/252) + 1
Byte number    =  N - INT(N/252)*252 + 4
N in these equations is assumed to start with 0; the 4 in the second equation is due to the fact that the first data byte in a sector is actually numbered 4. For example, the 253rd byte in a file (which would actually be numbered 252) would be byte number 4 (the first byte) in sector 0002.


There are some additional addresses which will be of interest only to programmers who wish to customize SK*DOS for their specific systems. These are located at fixed offsets above COLDST; see the SEQUENTIAL FILES part of this chapter for a description of how to find COLDST.

Warmstart COLDST+$06 Warm Start SK*DOS

If you exit SK*DOS to a ROM monitor or other debugging tool and wish to return, you may do a jump to this Warmstart location. (Don't confuse this location with the WARMST trap described in Chapter 10.)

GETDAT COLDST+$0C Get boot date

At GETDAT there is a JMP instruction which points to the routine which asks you for the date when booting SK*DOS. If there is a clock/calendar IC in your system, you may replace this JMP with a call to your own routine which reads the date from this IC. You must preserve all registers.

INTIME COLDST+$12 Add time to directory entry

INTIME normally contains three RTS instructions. Each time that SK*DOS opens a file for writing, it places the next sequence number for the file into D5, does a JSR to the INTIME trap (with an immediate RTS because INTIME normally contains six bytes of RTS), and upon return stores the contents of D5 into byte 27 of the current FCB. D5 normally contains the sequence number, but a user may replace the RTS bytes with a jump into a user-written routine which may replace the byte in D5 with a time of day byte. One byte is not enough to indicate a precise time down to the minute, but it can be used to represent time in tenths of hours, resulting in 6-minute resolution. A byte of 00 means no sequence number or time is present; 01 is a time from 12:00 midnight to 12:05 a.m.; 02 is 12:06 a.m. through 12:11 a.m., and so on. (User programs using INTIME must preserve all registers except for D5.)

OFFINI COLDST+$18 Initial OFFSET value

OFFINI generally points to an even location just above SK*DOS; on each cold-start or warm-start, SK*DOS reads OFFINI and then initializes OFFSET at the next even 256 byte address above OFFINI. (For example, if OFFINI is $49EA, then OFFSET will become $4A00.) See the next section for a discussion on how to use OFFINI, OFFSET, and MEMEND to reserve space for custom routines.


When SK*DOS is initially booted, it does a memory sense to determine how much memory is installed in the system; it then uses this information to set MEMEND. MEMINI sets the highest address that SK*DOS will try during that test. This is essential in those systems which may not return a buss error if non-existent addresses are accessed, but can also be used to set aside an area of memory which SK*DOS will never use.

SECTRD COLDST+$20 Secondary sector read routine trap

SECTRD normally contains 10 RTS instructions (a total of 20 bytes) which are called each time SK*DOS calls the SREAD routine to read a sector. A4 at this time points to the FCB being used for the read. A user may substitute up to three alternate sector read routines by inserting JSR instructions which point to these other routines. This allows the simple addition of a cache, RAM disk, or alternate disk controllers. Such routines must preserve A0 through A4 and D0 through D4. When such JSR instructions are added, they will normally go to a routine which analyzes the drive number in the specified FCB. If the drive number is different from the one handled by this secondary disk read routine, then it should perform an RTS to return to SK*DOS; if the drive number matches, then the routine should perform the requested read, remove from the stack the extra return address placed there by the added JSR, and then RTS directly back to the calling program.

SECTWR COLDST+$34 Secondary sector write routine trap

SECTWR normally contains 10 RTS instructions (a total of 20 bytes) which are called each time SK*DOS executes the SWRITE routine to write a sector. A4 at this time points to the FCB being used for the write. A user may substitute up to three alternate sector write routines by inserting JSR instructions which point to these other routines. This allows the simple addition of a cache, RAM disk, or alternate disk controllers. The program must preserve A0 through A4 and D0 through D4.

SECCOL COLDST+$48 Secondary cold-start initialization

SECCOL normally contains 10 RTS instructions (a total of 20 bytes) which are called during cold start. This area would normally be used for initializing any drivers used with SECTRD or SECTWR. A user may call up to three initialization routines by inserting JSR instructions which point to these other routines. j The program must preserve A0 through A4 and D0 through D4.

SECWAR COLDST+$5C Secondary warm-start initialization

SECWAR normally contains 10 RTS instructions (a total of 20 bytes) which are called during warm start. This area would normally be used for initializing any drivers used with SECTRD or SECTWR. A user may call up to three initialization routines by inserting JSR instructions which point to these other routines. The program must preserve A0 through A4 and D0 through D4.

SECCHK COLDST+$70 Secondary disk ready check

SECCHK normally contains 10 RTS instructions (a total of 20 bytes) which are called to check whether the secondary disk drivers are ready when SK*DOS is searching for the next ready drive. At that time, A4 points to an FCB which contains the drive number, and the drive number is also in D5. The called routine should return a zero condition if the requested drive is ready, or non-zero if it is not ready. The program must preserve A0 through A4 and D0 through D5.

SECFL1 COLDST+$84 Secondary Flag 1
SECFL2 COLDST+$8A Secondary Flag 2
SECFL3 COLDST+$90 Secondary Flag 3

These are three six-byte areas which may be used by secondary drivers as general purpose flags.

TRPFLG COLDST+$C0 Trap Initialization Flag

TRPFLG determines whether SK*DOS will initialize only the "Line 1010" trap (if TRPFLG = 0) or all the traps (if TRPFLG is non-zero) each time that RESTRP is called. This decision is largely based on the type of system, and should not normally be changed by the user. If TRPFLG is zero, then traps (such as bus error etc.) will be handled by the monitor; if TRPFLG is non-zero, then traps will be handled by SK*DOS


Since OFFSET and MEMEND point to the beginning and end, respectively, of free user memory, they can be used to set aside memory for other programs which should co-exist with SK*DOS without interfering with it.

When SK*DOS is initially booted, it is loaded with initial values of OFFINI and MEMINI. It first checks memory, starting with OFFINI up through the value of MEMINI, looking for a memory address which fails to store a memory pattern stored into it, or which generates a bus error. Once such an address is found, SK*DOS stores into MEMEND the top address of the last 4K block of memory found to be working. This value of MEMEND then remains there unless changed by user programs; SK*DOS does not itself change it at any time (although programs such as RAMDISK may.)

Following the above, at every warm-start SK*DOS sets OFFSET to the next even 256-byte boundary above the current OFFINI. Since OFFINI at boot-up normally points just above SK*DOS and its drivers, OFFSET is thus initialized to the next 256-byte boundary above SK*DOS.


Since user programs call SK*DOS with traps, SK*DOS obviously runs in supervisor state. User programs, utilities, and application programs, however, run in user state.

The system stack pointer is initialized at COLDST, with the user stack pointer initialized at COLDST-$0200. For example, if COLDST is at $1000, then the user stack will go from $0E00 down, while the system (DOS) stack will go from $1000 down. The system stack will never extend down as far as the user stack, so data on the user stack is preserved during DOS calls. Between them, OFFSET (through OFFINI) and MEMEND (through MEMINI) therefore delimit the current user memory.

User programs (and SK*DOS utilities) can subsequently change these values to reserve memory for themselves. A program which wants to reserve permanent memory for itself (such as a RAM disk) can be loaded into memory at OFFSET, and then point OFFINI above itself, or can move itself to the top of memory and then point MEMEND just below itself. Either way, its memory will then be protected permanently, since SK*DOS does not itself move these boundaries.

It is also possible to reserve memory just temporarily; for example, a program might be needed only for a while. Such a program can then be loaded into low memory, and OFFSET adjusted to point to an even address above the program. OFFSET will then remain at this value only until the next warm start, at which time it will go back to the previous value as determined by OFFINI. (Note that OFFSET must always be even.)


Users may add their own memory-resident commands to the list normally contained within SK*DOS. The program code for such commands may be left in memory and protected from SK*DOS in one of several ways:

1. The program can be placed at the bottom of user memory and then OFFINI set to point above the program's top memory address, or

2. The program can be placed at the top of user memory and then MEMEND set to point just below the program's bottom address, or

3. The program can be placed into some other memory area which SK*DOS does not use and does not know about.

To add the command to SK*DOS's command list, a table of command names and starting addresses must be placed somewhere in memory and identified to SK*DOS. The following is an example of such a table:

CMDTAB  DC.B 'DIR' Command name
        DC.B  0    delimiter to signal end of name
        DC.L  DIR  Starting address of command
        DC.B 'GET' Command name
        DC.B  0    delimiter to signal end of name
        DC.L  GET  Starting address of command
        .   .
        .   .
        .   .
        DC.B  0    End of table flag
Finally, to tell SK*DOS where this table is located, its starting address (i.e., the address of the first DC.B) must be placed as a long word into location COMTAB.

(The astute reader may note that, depending on the length of the command name, the assembler may insert an extra empty byte between the DC.B command name delimiter and the DC.L which holds its address so as to make sure that the DC.L starts on an even address. This is irrelevant to SK*DOS.)


If you have a ROM system monitor, such as HUMBUG, which supports tracing programs, you may use SK*DOS's TRACE*** command to enter a program in the trace mode (TRACE*** has three asterisks so that you will not accidentally type in the command when you don't mean to.)

TRACE*** is generally used just before you load in and execute a new program being tested. It sets the trace bit in the user status register, so that SK*DOS enters the new program in the trace mode. The 68xxx CPU will then execute the first instruction and trap to the ROM monitor, generally to display a register dump. You may then use the facilities of the monitor to trace further, insert breakpoints, or do other debugging.

When using TRACE*** with HUMBUG, you must first execute the TRACENAB command, which tells HUMBUG that you will be using TRACE*** and initializes one of its memory locations. In a few instances, that may not work; the easiest solution is then to exit SK*DOS with the MON command, type the HUMBUG command ST 1000 to execute one (harmless) trace instruction, and then return to SK*DOS with the RD command. This sets the HUMBUG registers properly.


The System Information Sector (SIS) contains the following data; all unused bytes are 00.

Bytes 16-26 Disk name (and extension)

Bytes 27-28 Disk number

Bytes 29-30 Track and sector number of first free sector

Bytes 31-32 Track and sector number of last free sector

Bytes 33-34 Number of free sectors

Bytes 35-37 Month, day, and year of disk creation

Byte 38 Number of logical tracks on the disk - 1

Byte 39 Number of logical sectors per track


The directory of a disk occupies track 0 of every disk, beginning at sector 5 and extending to the end of the track. This area of a disk is reserved for the directory when the disk is initially formatted, but SK*DOS will extend the directory, one sector at a time, if additional space is needed. Like any other file, the directory is a linked chain; if additional sectors are needed, they may be anywhere on the disk.

Within each sector, the first two bytes are a link pointer and the next 14 bytes are empty (filled with zeroes); the remaining 240 bytes are split into ten groups of 24, with each set of 24 bytes being one file entry. These bytes are used as follows:

Bytes 0-10 File name and extension
Byte 11 File attribute
Byte 12 File protection
Bytes 13-14 Track and sector number of first sector
Bytes 15-16 Track and sector number of last sector
Bytes 17-18 File size in sectors
Byte 19 Sequential/random flag
Byte 20 Time of file creation / update
Bytes 21-23 Month, day, year of file creation/update

The first character of the file name (byte 0) is replaced by $FF when a file is deleted, but the remaining bytes are unaltered. Hence the CAT command (using its N option) can display data on deleted files. When the directory is first established, all bytes in the empty directory are written as zeroes; hence when SK*DOS searches the directory for a file, it stops searching when it gets to an entry whose first character is still 00.

Although logically an SK*DOS disk can hold one root directory and 26 (or more) subdirectories, physically all of the files are listed in one master directory, which is stored as a flat file as described above. Within this directory, files are coded as to which subdirectory (A/ through Z/) they belong into by storing the directory code in bit 7 of bytes 0 through 7 of the directory entry.

As with all ASCII text in SK*DOS, file names are stored as 7-bit ASCII characters, with the left-most, eighth or parity bit, normally a 0. Bit 7 of bytes 0-7 (the eight bytes of the file name) would therefore normally be zeroes. Instead, they are now used to hold the directory code letter. For example, here are some sample file-name bytes:

File TEXT in the root directory:

54 45 58 54 00 00 00 00 <<- ASCII for "TEXT"
0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0 <<- parity bits; 00 means root

File TEXT in directory U/:

54 C5 58 D4 00 80 00 80 <<- ASCII for "TEXT"
0    1    0    1   0   1   0   1 <<- parity bits; $55 means "U"

While at first glance this seems like an awkward way of coding subdirectories, in practice just a few extra instructions are required to process these parity bits. SK*DOS routines GETNAM and FNPRNT do the processing automatically for input and output of file specifications. The advantages, on the other hand, greatly outweigh the disadvantages: the directory structure is totally compatible with earlier versions of SK*DOS (or Flex), the same routines which differentiate between file names also diferentiate between directory names without any extra programming or time, it becomes easy to move a file from one directory to another without rewriting it, the directory remains a manageable size, and for most situations, the entire directory for an entire disk is still contained in just one track, thereby minimizing disk access time.


This chapter gives additional information on the entire interrelated (and inter-twined) subject of I/O redirection, device drivers, printers, communications, and the like. It supplements information given for the DEVICE command in Appendix G. In particular, it describes the differences between `device names', `device numbers', and `device drivers'.

Before continuing, it is important to explain our use of the word device. In SK*DOS, a device is any I/O port other than a disk drive or RAMDISK. This includes character-oriented devices such as the console, terminals, modems, or printers. For the sake of the discussion in this chapter, we will differentiate between disks and devices, even though many people would classify a disk as one type of device. In fact, SK*DOS allows devices and disks to be treated in similar ways. Nevertheless, for our purposes it is easier to separate the concepts.


In its simplest form, I/O redirection simply means sending output to a different place, or accepting input from a different place, than normal. It can be accomplished directly from the command line by using the symbols > and <. For example, the command
normally displays a catalog of a disk on the screen. On the other hand, the command
sends the catalog listing to a diskfile called CATFILE.PIP, rather than displaying it on the screen. Furthermore, the command
would send the catalog listing to the printer (if a PRTR printer driver is installed; otherwise it will go to a disk file called PRTR.PIP. You can also force output to a PRTR file, even when a PRTR device is installed, simply by including the extension.)

Input redirection is handled with the << symbol. For example, the command

is generally used to input text from the keyboard into FILE. The command
would also send text to FILE, but would take the text from another file called ANOTHER.PIP. Alternatively. if there is a device called COM1 on the system, then
would take the text from this input device.Think of < and > as being arrows. The > in >FILE points to FILE, so data goes to FILE, whereas <FILE points away from FILE, so data comes from FILE. Note also that file names used in redirection default to .PIP extensions (which stands for `pipe'), though this can easily be changed by specifying a different extension.


In the above examples, PRTR and COM1 were `device names', as opposed to `file names'. Device names are similar to file names, but (a) must have exactly four characters, and (b) are not allowed any extensions. Whenever you use a device name, SK*DOS checks whether such a device exists. If it does, then it uses the device. If not, then it uses the name as a file name. That's why in the above example >PRTR went to a printer if such a device existed, but to a disk file otherwise.

When SK*DOS is initially booted, it has just two devices; these are called the `default' devices:

CONS is the console keyboard and screen. It is used for normal input and output.

NULL is a `null device' which is used when you want to do a function but want no output whatsoever. For example, the command

would assemble a file but provide absolutely no output - not even assembler error messages.

Even though it starts with just two devices, SK*DOS can have up to eight. The others must, however, be specifically `installed', either by a command from the keyboard, or by commands included in a STARTUP.BAT file, by reading in `device drivers' from a disk. If you wish, you can substitute other devices instead of the default ones as well.


In addition to having names, devices also have device numbers. When using I/O redirection, you will always refer to them by name; programs, on the other hand, may refer to them by either name or number. The DEVICE command lets you see (and change) the correspondence between device names and numbers. If you execute the DEVICE command just after booting up SK*DOS, you will get a display like this:
 Normal     Device  Device   Driver
  use       number   name
Terminal       0     CONS   Default driver
Error device   1     CONS   Default driver
Printer        2     CONS   Default driver
               3     CONS   Default driver
               4     CONS   Default driver
               5     CONS   Default driver
               6     CONS   Default driver
Null device    7     NULL   Default driver
This tells us that devices 0 through 6 are currently the CONS console default driver, while device 7 is the NULL default driver. Furthermore, it also tells us that device 0 is normally the terminal (which is used to control SK*DOS), device 1 is the error device (where most error messages go), device 2 is usually the printer (although right now printer output would go to the console instead), and device 7 is usually the null device.

As you can see, at this point CONS has several device numbers. That means that output sent to any one of those numbers would really go to the console.

The assignments shown in the above tables can be changed at any time by using the DEVICE command. DEVICE is most often used to substitute a disk-resident device driver for one of the default drivers.


In most systems there will be just one console, but there could be several printers. Moreover, a printer could require either a serial interface or a parallel interface. Hence the software to drive a printer, as well as other devices, must be changeable so it can fit the hardware. This is done by using disk-resident programs to interface with other devices. These programs are called `device drivers', and usually have a .DVR extension on the disk. Depending on your system, you may already have one or more such drivers supplied with your SK*DOS, or else you may just have one or more files of driver source code which you will have to customize and assemble to fit your own hardware.

Device drivers must be `installed' with the DEVICE command. For example, the command

would install a driver called PARALLEL.DVR at device 2, and give it the name PRTR. The DEVICE display would then say
 Normal    Device  Device  Driver
 use       number   name
------     ------  ------  ---------
   .           .       .        .
Printer        2     PRTR   PARALLEL.DVR
   .           .       .        .
The DEVICE command can be used to change devices as often as desired; you may also return back to a default driver by using the name DEFAULT instead of a file name, as in
which would restore device 2 as the default device CONS. Note that driver names default to .DVR, but DEFAULT has no default extension: DEFAULT refers to the normal default driver, whereas DEFAULT.DVR would be needed in the command line if you had an actual DEFAULT.DVR driver on a disk.


It is possible to operate SK*DOS from a device other than the default console device. For example, if there is a serial device on the system and a driver for it, then you may install that driver as devices 0 and 1. All normal console I/O would then go to that device instead. Note that it's necessary to install that driver at both number 0 and 1 so that error messages go to the new device. The order of assigning device numbers also makes a difference - if you assign number 0 first, then you will have to use the remote keyboard to assign number 1, as the console keyboard will no longer be active.

NOTE: The remainder of this chapter will probably only be of interest to advanced programmers.


When a new driver is loaded from disk, DEVICE checks to see whether the driver is smaller than the driver currently installed under that device number. If so, then the new driver simply overlays the current driver. If not, then the new driver has new memory assigned to it just above the current value of OFFSET, and then OFFSET and OFFINI are moved up above the new driver. (The default CONS and NULL drivers have zero size, and so will never be overlaid.) If the same driver is used under various device numbers, several copies of the driver will exist in memory at the same time, one for each device number.

This is important to remember for several reasons. First, it means that new drivers can only be installed from the keyboard (or from a .BAT file), not from another program, because memory may not be available for the new driver while another program is running. Second, it means that each copy of a driver maintains its own variables such as PLINES (see below) even when it applies to the same hardware device.


Information on device assignments is stored in the Device Descriptor Table called DEVTAB. This table consists of 640 bytes, (80 bytes for each of the 8 device numbers) plus an additional 80 bytes for the default CONS driver. The CONS information is copied into the rest of DEVTAB during booting; the DEVICE command then modifies the contents of DEVTAB when it installs other drivers.

Each device number has an 80-byte device descriptor within the table. These bytes contain the following:

Bytes Description
00-03 Logical name, such as CONS or PRTR
04-07 Pointer to first address of the driver, 0000 if in BIOS
08-11 Length of the driver in bytes, 0000 if in BIOS
12-15 Pointer to driver initialization routine
16-19 Pointer to input status check routine in driver
20-23 Pointer to get input character with echo routine
24-27 Pointer to get input character without echo routine
28-31 Pointer to input channel control routine (for ICNTRL)
32-35 Pointer to output status check routine
36-39 Pointer to output character routine
40-43 Pointer to output chan control routine (for OCNTRL)
44 Print lines (PLINES) constant
45 Page width constant (PWIDTH)
46 Null wait constant (NULLWT)
47 Skip lines constant (SLINES)
48 Pause flag (PAUSEB)
49 Line counter counts lines per page
50 Column counter (OCOLUM)
51 Serial device baud rate (BAUDRT)
52 End-of-file character (EOFILC)
53 X-Off character (XOFFC)
54 X-On character (XONC)
55 Reserved for future use
56-59 Pointer to input status check routine (bypass typeahead)
60-63 Pointer to get input char w/o echo routine (bypass typeahead)
64-67 Pointer to routine to flush typeahead buffer
68-79 Reserved for future use

All of the above pointers and numbers are distinct for each device number. The constants from PLINES down can be displayed or changed with the DOSPARAM command.


DEVIN, DEVOUT, and DEVERR are three bytes which indicate the current input, output, and error device number, respectively. Normally, DEVIN and DEVOUT contain the number 0, indicating that they use device 0, while DEVERR contains the number 1, indicating that error messages from PERROR normally go to device 1.


Temporary I/O redirection from the keyboard can only be done one way - by using the > and < symbols on the command line. Permanent redirection can be done by installing another driver.

I/O redirection is done by programs in a totally different way (since programs cannot install new drivers). In general, there are several methods available to programs for accessing different I/O devices. Moreover, programs can access devices through file control blocks, or can access files through device numbers.

1. Normal console I/O functions such as PUTCH, GETCH, PSTRNG, INLINE, OUT5D, HEXIN, and the like, are all steered through DEVIN in the case of input functions, or DEVOUT in the case of output functions. Programs can change DEVIN, or DEVOUT to different device numbers to use different devices for these functions. For example, when a program wants to output to a printer, it can change DEVOUT from 0 to 2 - assuming that a PRTR or similar driver is installed. If not, then output will still go to the console. It is also possible to input from one device but output to another by changing DEVIN and DEVOUT accordingly.

2. An indirect way of changing DEVIN and DEVOUT is through ICNTRL and OCNTRL calls $FFFx (see the next section.)

3. PERROR output is done via DEVERR, and programs can change this byte to steer error output to different devices.

4. All of the above can also be sent to a disk file, or input from a disk file, by opening the appropriate file and placing the FCB address into FIADDR (for input) or FOADDR (for output), and then setting DEVIN or DEVOUT to device number 8. Note that physical I/O devices are only numbered 0 through 7; number 8 applies only to disk files. If the file is not open, or if SK*DOS encounters an error while using the file, it will print an error message, reset the device number to 0, and continue using device 0 for input or output. (You may then use the EOFILC, usually control-Z, to indicate an end of file on input.)

5. Conversely, an FCB can be used to access an I/O device simply by using the four-letter device name when opening the file. Just be careful not to try to input from an output device such as a printer.

The process would go like this: First place a four-letter device name into the name bytes of the FCB. Do not use an extension or SK*DOS will assume you mean a file, although you should call DEFEXT to put in a default extension just in case (DEFEXT will not add an extension if it detects that a device exists with the specified name.) Then call FOPENR or FOPENW to open the file for reading or writing. If the specified driver does not exist, SK*DOS will open the file normally (that's why it is good to have a default extension). If it does exist, then SK*DOS will use the device for subsequent reads or writes instead of a file. Note that the device can only be used sequentially - random file operations will not work and may give undesired results.

SK*DOS accesses devices through an FCB by substituting `fake drive numbers'. Normally, only drive numbers 0 through 9 are valid disk drive numbers; when you open an FCB to a device, SK*DOS uses drive numbers $10 through $17 to refer to devices 0 through 7 respectively. If you know the name of a device but not its number, then it is easiest to open the file with that name. If you already know the number, then it is not even necessary to open the file - just set up an FCB, put in a drive number equal to $10 plus the desired device number, and use FREAD or FWRITE to read or write.

6. Before doing any of the above, a program may check whether a given driver is installed by using FINDEV.

7. GETNAM recognizes device names and substitutes the device number plus $10 when the specified device is installed.


ICNTRL and OCNTRL are two SK*DOS system calls which pass data and commands to and from device drivers without going through the normal GETCH and PUTCH calls. For example, when a user program calls ICNTRL with the instructions
  MOVE.B  #$10,D4
  DC      ICNTRL
the value of $10 is passed through SK*DOS to the ICNTRL entry point of the appropriate driver.

The need for ICNTRL and OCNTRL is based on the need for consistency when SK*DOS is implemented on a variety of very different computers. Some of these use conventional terminals, but some (such as the Atari or Amiga 68000 computers) will have built-in video and graphics interfaces. Since each of these provides different output modes and screen display codes, it is important to standardize input and output so that a given program may run on any of these and still provide a common output format.

All 68K SK*DOS calls to GETCH and PUTCH (as well as related calls such as PNSTRN or INLINE) are sent to the specified driver routine through a portion of SK*DOS called IOSEL or I/O Selector. As explained above, the usual device assignments are

0 - console (both keyboard and screen)
1 - error device (usually also the console)
2 - printer
3-6 - user-defined
7 - the `null' device

One function of ICNTRL and OCNTRL is to choose which driver is active at any time. When you call ICNTRL or OCNTRL with the word $FFFx in D4, this selects driver x for input or output, respectively. All following I/O calls via PUTCH, GETCH, etc., (as well as ICNTRL or OCNTRL) are then vectored to that driver until you change the driver assignment with another call to ICNTRL or OCNTRL (or changed DEVIN or DEVOUT). On initial cold start, 68K SK*DOS initializes both input and output to $FFF0 so that the system defaults to using device 0 - the console keyboard and screen. Hence the casual user need not generally be concerned with ICNTRL or OCNTRL.

The second function of ICNTRL and OCNTRL is to pass special arguments to the selected device, or input special key characters from the device. The important requirement is that all SK*DOS users agree on these arguments, so that all drivers and all I/O devices will respond in the same way, regardless of which computer is being used. The following sections describe this feature.

ICNTRL Assignments

ICNTRL is used by placing a command code into D4, and doing a DC ICNTRL instruction. The device driver may then return an argument in register D5. The current command codes are as follows:

$0000 Return number of current driver (0-7) in D5
0001 Return the name of current driver (such as CONS) in D5
0002 Return a raw 8-bit character from the device
0003 Enable keyboard's function keys
0004 Disable keyboard's function keys
0005 Return a special character from the device
FFFx Switch to driver x

Additional other commands may be defined in the future.

Some device drivers will contain an input translation table and code which allows the driver to convert special key characters or sequences into a single byte which will be returned in D5. For example, suppose a given terminal has a row of ten function keys, which generate a two-byte sequence such as "ESCape followed by $30" for key F0, and so on. Using GETCH, we would get back two separate characters, a $1B for the ESCape, and a $30 for the 0. The problem here is that we have no way of knowing whether this sequence came from function key F0, or whether the user really typed an ESCape and then the digit 0. (The command 0002 of ICNTRL would return the same two characters, but with the parity bits intact, if any.)

ICNTRL command 0005 works a bit differently. After it detects the ESCape code, ICNTRL waits for approximately one-half character time. If it receives the $30 during that time, then it assumes that the combination came from a single F0 function key, and returns a special code which signifies the F0 key. If the $30 is not received during that time, then ICNTRL returns the ESCape first, and then picks up the next character on the next pass. (The next character may also be returned by GETCH). (This description assumes a serial terminal keyboard; computers with an integral keyboard may return a special function key code directly.)

In order to generate the same special F0 code with different terminals or computers, the device driver has a translation table which converts any specific combination of one or more keys into an F0 code which would be common to all systems. The supplied ADM-3A driver shows how this is done.

When ICNTRL command 0005 receives a regular ASCII character, it simply returns it as a single byte in D5, with bits 8-15 of D5 equal to 0. But a special keyboard character is identified by making bits 8-15 non-zero; in other words, special characters are represented by the words $0100 and higher.

The following table shows the key codes for an implementation using a PC-compatible keyboard:
Key No. Key Normal Shift Control Num Lock
1 ESCAPE 1B/001B 1B/001B 1B/001B *
2 1 ! 31/0031 21/0021 --/0431 *
3 2 @ 32/0032 40/0040 00/0100 *
4 3 # 33/0033 23/0023 --/0433 *
5 4 $ 34/0034 24/0024 --/0434 *
6 5 % 35/0035 25/0025 --/0435 *
7 6 ^ 36/0036 5E/005E 1E/001E *
8 7 & 37/0037 26/0026 --/0437 *
9 8 * 38/0038 2A/002A --/0438 *
10 9 ( 39/0039 28/0028 --/0439 *
11 0 ) 30/0030 29/0029 --/0430 *
12 - _ 2D/002D 5F/005F 1F/001F *
13 = + 3D/003D 2B/002B --/043D *
14 Backspace 08/0008 08/0008 7F/007F *
15 TAB 09/0009 --/021F --/031F *
16 q Q 71/0071 51/0051 11/0011 *
17 w W 77/0077 57/0057 17/0017 *
18 e E 65/0065 45/0045 05/0005 *
19 r R 72/0072 52/0052 12/0012 *
20 t T 74/0074 54/0054 14/0014 *
21 y Y 79/0079 59/0059 19/0019 *
22 u U 75/0075 55/0055 15/0015 *
23 i I 69/0069 49/0049 09/0009 *
24 o O 6F/006F 4F/004F 0F/000F *
25 p P 70/0070 50/0050 10/0010 *
26 [ { 7B/007B 5B/005B 1B/001B *
27 ] } 7D/007D 5D/005D 1D/001D *
28 Return 0D/000D 0D/000D 0D/000D *
29 Control --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
30 a A 61/0061 41/0041 01/0001 *
31 s S 73/0073 53/0053 13/0013 *
32 d D 64/0064 44/0044 04/0004 *
33 f F 66/0066 46/0046 06/0006 *
34 g G 67/0067 47/0047 07/0007 *
35 h H 68/0068 48/0048 08/0008 *
36 j J 6A/006A 4A/004A 0A/000A *
37 k K 6B/006B 4B/004B 0B/000B *
38 l L 6C/006C 4C/004C 0C/000C *
39 ; : 3B/003B 3A/003A --/043B *
40 ' " 27/0027 22/0022 --/0427 *
41 ` ~ 60/0060 7E/007E --/0460 *
42 Left Shift --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
43 | 5C/005C 7C/007C 1C/001C *
44 z Z 7A/007A 5A/005A 1A/001A *
45 x X 78/0078 58/0058 18/0018 *
46 c C 63/0063 43/0043 03/0003 *
47 v V 76/0076 56/0056 16/0016 *
48 b B 62/0062 42/0042 02/0002 *
49 n N 6E/006E 4E/004E 0E/000E *
50 m M 6D/006D 4D/004D 0D/000D *
51 , < 2C/002C 3C/003C --/042C *
52 . > 2E/002E 3E/003E --/042E *
53 / ? 2F/002F 3F/003F --/042F *
54 Right Shift --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
55 Prt Scr * 2A/011D 2A/002A --/031D 2A/002A
56 Alt --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
57 Space 20/0020 20/0020 20/0020 *
58 Caps Lock --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
59 F1 --/0101 --/0201 --/0301 *
60 F2 --/0102 --/0202 --/0302 *
61 F3 --/0103 --/0203 --/0303 *
62 F4 --/0104 --/0204 --/0304 *
63 F5 --/0105 --/0205 --/0305 *
64 F6 --/0106 --/0206 --/0306 *
65 F7 --/0107 --/0207 --/0307 *
66 F8 --/0108 --/0208 --/0308 *
67 F9 --/0109 --/0209 --/0309 *
68 F10 --/010A --/020A --/030A *
69 Num Lock --/---- --/---- --/---- --/----
70 Scroll Lock --/011E --/021E --/031E *
71 Home --/0120 37/0037 --/0320 37/0037
72 Up Arrow 0B/0125 38/0038 --/0325 38/0038
73 Pg Up --/0123 39/0039 --/0323 39/0039
74 Grey Minus 2D/002D 2D/002D --/032D 2D/002D
75 Left Arrow 08/0128 34/0034 --/0328 34/0034
76 5 --/0127 35/0035 --/0327 35/0035
77 Right Arrow 09/0126 36/0036 --/0326 36/0036
78 Grey Plus 2B/002B 2B/002B --/033B 2B/002B
79 END --/0122 31/0031 --/0322 31/0031
77 Right Arrow 09/0126 36/0036 --/0326 36/0036
80 Down Arrow 0A/0127 32/0032 --/0327 32/0032
81 Pg Dn --/0124 33/0033 --/0324 33/0033
82 Insert --/012A 30/0030 --/032A 30/0030
83 Del --/012B 2E/002E --/032B 2E/002E
1. All codes in columns (3) through (6) are hex numbers.
2. The notation AA/BBCC means that the code AA is generated using the normal character input routine (INCH8 in HUMBUG; GETCH, INNOEC, or ICNTRL function 0002 in SK*DOS), and BBCC is generated using ICNTRL (in HUMBUG, or ICNTRL function 0005 in SK*DOS)
3. If BB is 00, then CC is the standard ASCII code for that key, and is equal to AA. With some exceptions, BB codes of 01 stand for unshifted characters, 02 stand for shifted characters, 03 stand for control characters, and 04 stand for characters which do not fit any of the above groups.
4. -- or ---- means that no key code is generated for that key.
5. Items labelled * are not affected by the NUM LOCK key; their key codes are indicated in the other three columns at all times.
6. CAPS LOCK affects only the alpha keys A-Z. For these keys, it reverses the meanings of columns (1) and (2).
7. The ALTernate key adds $80 (or $0080) to all codes shown.
8. The precedence is (a) ALT affects all codes, (b) NUM LOCK codes are not affected by SHIFT or CONTROL, (c) CONTROL is not affected by SHIFT.
9. Codes for unshifted PRT SCRN, and up, down, left, and right arrows were changed from -- to their current values in SK*DOS version 2.4.

OCNTRL Assignments

OCNTRL is the opposite of ICNTRL - it is used to send special arguments to an output device and its driver. Its main purpose is to allow a program to drive a variety of output devices in a common way, without having to be concerned with the particular type of output device being used.

Interfacing to a variety of output devices is again done via a translation table. For example, when a program places the code $0002 into D4 and then calls OCNTRL, the driver uses the translation table to convert the $0001 into whatever character (or sequence of characters) is needed to erase the screen on the current output device.

OCNTRL expects a 16-bit word as an argument and, depending on the exact I/O device, will recognize the following:

$0000 Return number of current driver (0-7) in D5
0001 Return name of current driver (e.g. CONS) in D5
0002 Erase screen
0003 Home cursor
0004 Cursor up
0006 Cursor right
0007 Bell (may also use $07 in data stream)
0008 Cursor left (may also use $08 in data stream)
0009 Horizontal tab
000A Line feed (may use $0A in data) / cursor down
000B Clear current line
000C Erase screen & home cursor (form feed on printer)
000D Carriage return (may also use $0D in data stream)
000E Mask output of character in D5
000F Permit output of character in D5
0010 Return size of text screen in (D5, D6)
0011 Move cursor to position (D5, D6)
0012 Return cursor position in (D5, D6)
0013 Return character under cursor in D5
0014 Clear to end of line
0015 Clear to end of screen
0016 Erase screen
0017 Home cursor
0018 Insert line before current line
0019 Delete current line and close up
0020 Switch to normal print / normal intensity
0021 Switch to condensed print
0022 Switch to expanded print
0023 Switch to double strike / bold / double intensity
0024 Switch to enhanced print mode
0025 Switch to italics
0026 Switch to character spacing in D5
0027 Switch to line spacing in D5
0040 Switch to graphics mode in D5
0041 Switch to text mode
0042 Choose color in D5
0043 Draw to position (D5, D6)
FFFx Switch to driver x

Additional other codes may be defined in the future.

Arguments $0000, 0001, and $FFFx (and 0002 for ICNTRL) are handled internally by SK*DOS; all other arguments are passed directly to the ICNTRL or OCNTRL section of the appropriate driver (except for the default console driver in the BIOS, which simply ignores the control codes.)


The SK*DOS system disk includes source code for three device drivers, called SERIAL.TXT, PARALLEL.TXT, and ADM-3A.TXT. These drivers demonstrate the exact format of a device driver, and should be used as examples in case you need to write your own.

SERIAL and PARALLEL are simple drivers for a serial port using a 68681 DUART, and a parallel port using a 68230 PI/T or 6821 PIA, respectively. ADM-3A is an expanded serial driver which shows how ICNTRL and OCNTRL functions are implemented with translation tables.

NOTE: To preserve consistency between different implementations of SK*DOS, users writing device drivers which implement ICNTRL and/or OCNTRL are urged to adhere to the codes listed above. In order to correlate your work with that of others, please contact Star-K Software Systems Corp. before making any extensions to these codes.


Some SK*DOS implementations (depending on the BIOS or device drivers) may implement a keyboard typeahead buffer; hence there are three DOS calls (STATU1, INNOE1, and FLUSHT) specifically dealing with the operation of such a buffer. If a typeahead buffer is not implemented, then STATU1 and INNOE1 behave exactly the same as STATUS and INNOEC, respectively, while FLUSHT does nothing.

If a typeahead buffer is implemented, then either the BIOS or the device driver, or both, may contain a buffer area which holds incoming characters from the keyboard or other device. This buffer, which is typically 64 bytes but may be larger or smaller, acts as a FIFO or first-in, first-out memory. As characters come in, they go into one end of the buffer; as SK*DOS or a user program needs them, they come out the other end of the buffer. Think of the FIFO as a pipe - characters go in one end and come out the other in the exact same order as they went in. In this way, characters that came in while the system is doing other tasks are held until they are needed. This allows you to type ahead of the computer, for example, giving it commands before they are needed.

When typeahead is implemented, normal input (via GETCH, INNOEC, or INLINE, for example) goes through the buffer. Hence normal programs need not even know whether such a buffer exists or not. Occasionally, however, it is useful to be able to bypass the buffer - when immediate response to an ESCape or control-C is needed, for example - or even to be able to empty the buffer (such as when asking "OK to delete - Y or N?", and you wish to make sure that a previously-entered Y does not get used as an answer.) This is where the three typeahead operations come in. Let us discuss them one by one.

When typeahead is implemented, GETCH and INNOEC input the first character in the buffer (i.e., the character that has been in the buffer the longest), whereas INNOE1 inputs the last character (the most recent one). INNOE1 should therefore be used if you are checking for control-C or ESCape, in which case you want to bypass any characters preceding it and act on it immediately. Note that using INNOE1 to get the last character does not remove it from the buffer - it is still there, and still in its correct sequence.

GETCH, INNOEC, and INNOE1 will all wait for a character to be typed if none exists when they are called. Hence we need a way of checking whether there is a character there. STATUS is therefore used to test whether there is any character in the typeahead buffer, whereas STATU1 tests whether a last character exists. Note: when there is a single character in the buffer, it becomes both the first and last character, and STATUS and STATU1 will both return a 'true' when tested. If the character is obtained with GETCH or INNOEC, then both STATUS and STATU1 will go 'false'. But if it is obtained with INNOE1, STATU1 will go 'false' but STATUS will still be 'true', indicating that it is still in the buffer as well.

Finally, FLUSHT is a function which empties the entire buffer so that both STATUS and STATU1 return 'false'. FLUSHT should always be used after INNOE1 returns a break or ESCape character, and may also be used when you want to make sure that some left-over character in the buffer does not provide an undesired answer (as when asking a "Y or N" question.)

The following example shows how these DOS calls are used inside UBASIC to check for a control-C or ESCape. Although checking for ESCape is normally done by SK*DOS internal routines, note that here UBASIC does its own checking. This is needed since it would otherwise remove the ESCape from the buffer before SK*DOS has a chance to check it.

Each time UBASIC outputs a character, or each time it finishes interpreting the current statement, it calls the following BREAK routine:

BREAK  DC STATS1     Check 'last' char
       BEQ.S BREAK1  exit if not there
       DC INNOE1     else get last char
BREAK0 CMP.B #3,D5   is it control-C?
       BEQ.S CNTRLC  Yes, go process it
       CMP.B ESCAPC(A6),D5   is it ESC?
       BEQ.S ESCAP   Yes, go process it
BREAK1 RTS           Neither, so exit
CNTRLC DC FLUSHT  on control-C, flush
       BRA.L READY   and to READY prompt
ESCAP  DC FLUSHT     On ESCape, flush
ESCAP1 DC INNOEC     Then get next char
       CMP.B ESCAPC(A6),D5  is it ESCape?
       BEQ.S BREAK1  Yes, RTS to continue
       CMP.B #$0D,D5 is it CR?
       BEQ.L READY   Yes, go to READY
       BRA.S ESCAP1  No, wait for char
Note how the typeahead buffer is flushed only after either the control-C or ESCape is identified; any other character is left in the buffer.


This manual has most recently been updated to cover additional features of the PT68K-4 computer. Since this computer system has different floppy disk controllers from previous versions, this chapter describes a few features which you should know. In particular, it is helpful to understand the kinds of floppy drives and disks that are supported. Don't let the depth of the following discussion turn you off; we give a lot more detail than you need right now, so you can come back later and appreciate the fine details.

Floppy disks come in three sizes: the very old 8" (inch) size, the newer 5- 1/4" size, and the most recent 3-1/2" size.

The data on a disk is written in circular tracks. All 8" disks have 77 tracks, while all 3-1/2" disks have 80 tracks. Ancient 5-1/4" disks had 35 tracks, but modern ones have either 40 or 80 tracks.

In the 5-1/4" case, both kinds occupy slightly more than 3/4" of total width on the disk, but in one case there are 40 wide tracks, in the other there are 80 narrow tracks. By making the tracks narrower and closer together, the 80- track drive puts extra tracks into the position that would normally be between tracks on a 40-track drive. Hence an 80-track drive can read a 40-track disk if it "double-steps"; that is, if it skips over the in-between areas between tracks. The 80-track drive can also write a 40-track disk, but there is a catch - a 40-track drive may not be able to read it! The reason is that the 80-track drive writes a narrower track, which leaves some unrecorded space on each side. Depending on the exact width and alignment of the track, the 40-track drive may read so much of the "garbage" between tracks that it makes too many errors to be reliable. The only way to tell is to try.

Disks also come in three densities: SD or single-density, which is now quite obsolete; DD or double-density, which is most common; and HD or high-density, which has several variations and is the newest. (What is most confusing is that some very old SK*DOS systems use single-density on their outermost track, but DD elsewhere.)

Finally, all modern floppy disks are DS or double-sided; only the very oldest drives are still SS or single-sided. With all of these abbreviations, it is easy to see why we need this short introduction to the topic.

One more complication: the tracks are divided up into smaller sections called sectors. In SK*DOS, each sector has 256 bytes, although other systems use 128, 512, or even more bytes per sector. The number of sectors that can be crammed into a track depends on how fast the disk turns, and on how closely the bits are crammed together in time. Most disks turn at 300 rpm (which is 5 revolutions per second), while 8" and some high density disks turn at 360 rpm (or 6 revolutions per second).

Now on to specifics. Most SK*DOS systems use a version of the Western Digital 17xx or 27xx FDC (floppy disk controller) chip. In particular, both the PT68K- 2 and PT68K-4 use the WD1772 controller, which supports SD or DD disks (but not HD or high density) disks, SS or DS, and either 3-1/2" or 5-1/2" disks. These controllers could also support 8" disks, but are usually not wired up to do so.

This controller can therefore typically handle the following situations;

Drive Type
5-1/4" 40tr
5-1/4" 80tr
100K *
180K *
200K *
360K *

The 1772 controller can read and write all of the above formats, but cannot format the double-stepping formats labelled with * above.

The PT68K-4, however, also has a Western Digital WD37C65 controller, which can also handle several types of high density drives of the type commonly used on PC clones. It can also easily handle an 8" drive.

The high density drives come in two types. One, commonly called a 1.2 meg HD drive, uses 5-1/4" disks, but rotates at 360 rpm instead of 300 rpm. By using 80 tracks and a data rate the same as 8" disks, it squeezes almost 1.2 megabytes of data on the disk. The second, usually called a 1.44 meg disk, uses 3-1/2" disks, but rotates at 300 rpm and uses the same data rate as the 1.2 meg drive. Because it rotates slower, it has a capacity 20% higher than the 1.2 meg drive.

Both of these high density drives can read and write the lower density disks as well, but SK*DOS does not implement single density for them. Hence the WD37C65 controller can handle the following combinations:

Drive Type
5-1/4" 40tr
100 K *
180 K *
200 K
360 K
5-1/4" 80tr
200 K *
360 K *
400 K
720 K
100 K *
180 K *
200 K
360 K
1.2meg HD
720 K
1.2meg HD
1120 K
360 K *
1.44 meg HD
720 K
1360 K
8 inch
577.5 K
1001 K
500.5 K +
As before, this controller can read and write all formats listed above, but cannot format those shown with a *. (The last format, indicated with a +, is a special format using 128-byte sectors, developed for a specific customer, and not very useful for general use.)

Since the 1772 controller can only handle two kinds of drives (which really only differ by the number of tracks), the software and hardware can fairly well differentiate between the different kinds of disks without your having to tell it. The only place where you must specify what kind of disk you want is during formatting, when you must answer several questions as to the number of sides and tracks, and the density.

The 37C65 controller, on the other hand, can handle five different kinds of drives, and twenty different kinds of disks. It can generally figure out what kinds of disks you are using, as long as you tell it what kind of drives you have. You must do this in HUMBUG before you boot by using HUMBUG's IS command to do an Initial Setup.


SK*DOS users are sometimes confused by the variety of numbers used to identify the various disk drives. Disk drives are identified by three different sets of numbers:

a. Logical Drive Numbers

Logical drive numbers are what you use in normal operation when you refer to your main drive as "drive 0", or set up your RAMdisk as drive 4. The DRIVE command refers to these by "L" numbers. For example, if you have a hard drive and one floppy drive, you might set up the hard drive as drive 0 (called L0 by DRIVE), and the floppy as drive 1 (or L1).

b. Physical drive numbers

This is what the file control block calls PHYDRV, or what DRIVE calls "F" and "H" numbers. For example, issuing a DRIVE command which says
tells SK*DOS that logical drive 0 should be physical floppy drive 1.

c. Drive Select numbers

The drive select number is the number that the controller thinks the drive is. For example, a floppy drive has a set of three or four jumpers, often labelled DS0 through DS2 or DS3, which identify a particular drive to the controller. Typically, the first drive on the controller is DS0, the second is DS1, and so on.

But there is a problem here - changing a drive select number requires that you move these tiny jumpers on the drive. Some manufacturers (such as IBM and Tandy) don't want their customers messing with these jumpers, and instead do the drive selection in the drive cable. Tandy used to do it by removing pins from the drive connector; IBM does it by twisting part of the cable. In IBM's case, both floppy drives are jumpered as DS1, but the cable makes one into DS0 and the other into DS1. Because IBM-style cables are so cheap, that is the approach we use with the WD37C65 controller.

As long as a computer had only one floppy controller, then the F number was the same as the drive select. Thus floppy drive F0 was DS0 on its controller. But now that we can have two controllers (as the PT68K-4 has both a WD1772 and a WD37C65) we can have two DS0 drives, one on each controller. It is HUMBUG's Initial Setup (IS) command which tells HUMBUG and SK*DOS which physical drive number corresponds to which drive select.

To properly set up a system, therefore, requires that you use the IS command in HUMBUG to tell the system which controller and drive select goes with which F number, and then use the DRIVE command in SK*DOS to tell it which F number goes with which logical drive number.

When you do the IS command, HUMBUG will ask you which controller you want to boot from; that controller will then have F0. Since the 1772 can have up to four drives, selecting it for booting will give it F0 through F3; the 37C65 would then get F4 and F5. On the other hand, if you select the 37C65 for booting, it will get F0 and F1, while the 1772 will get F2 through F5. The system will always boot from F0 when you give the FD command, so there must always be an F0 drive. Other than that, you can skip drives, so there could be an F0 and an F5 perhaps.

Any time you want to know what the relationship is between F numbers and drive select numbers, you can find out by using HUMBUG's IS command, or by using DRIVE or IOSTAT in SK*DOS.


It is unlikely that you will want to use 8-inch floppy drives, but in case you do, the WD37C65 controller can do it. The drive may be connected through this conversion cable:
34-pin cable
50-pin cable 
Track 44-76
10 +16
Head load
Drive 1 select
Write data
Write Gate
Track 0
Write protect
Read data
Side select

If you connect this adapter directly to the controller, the 8" drive will be drive select 1 on the controller; if you connect it to the twisted end of a normal floppy connector, then it will be drive select 0 on the controller.


Click  here to continue with the Appendices of this SK*DOS User's Manual.