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../ Beginning Regular Expressions [Watt 2005-02-04]..> 07-May-2016 21:07 24M Introducing Regular Expressions_ Unraveling Reg..> 07-May-2016 21:09 12M Introduction to Regular Expressions in SAS [Win..> 07-May-2016 21:09 3M Mastering Regular Expressions_ Powerful Techniq..> 07-May-2016 21:06 6M Mastering Regular Expressions_ Powerful Techniq..> 07-May-2016 21:09 4M Mastering Regular Expressions_ Understand Your ..> 07-May-2016 21:07 3M Regular Expression Pocket Reference_ Regular Ex..> 07-May-2016 21:06 1002K Regular Expression Recipes for Windows Develope..> 07-May-2016 21:09 1M Regular Expressions Cookbook_ Detailed Solution..> 07-May-2016 21:08 11M Regular Expressions Cookbook_ Detailed Solution..> 07-May-2016 21:07 4M Regular Expressions_ The Complete Tutorial [Goy..> 07-May-2016 21:07 906K